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IF i Buy a New CELLFONE?....


ok. so i think my samsung galaxy s5 mini is f**ked. The camera doesnt work any more., so I cannot scan into places. Everyone is on my back to get a new one. Problem is, I want all the stuff on the old fone put on to the new fone. can this be done by someone like Spark or 2 Degrees? if I can purchase an s10 or something, probably online, will some tecchy person be able to do the deed for me?

freesia - 2021-06-29 17:31:00
freesia wrote:

ok. so i think my samsung galaxy s5 mini is f**ked. The camera doesnt work any more., so I cannot scan into places. Everyone is on my back to get a new one. Problem is, I want all the stuff on the old fone put on to the new fone. can this be done by someone like Spark or 2 Degrees? if I can purchase an s10 or something, probably online, will some tecchy person be able to do the deed for me?

When I upgraded mine, the guy in the 2 degrees store did the transfer for me.

kitty179 - 2021-06-29 17:33:00

hi kitty179.... were you charged for the service?

freesia - 2021-06-29 17:57:00

The member deleted this message.

freesia - 2021-06-29 17:58:00

Mostly now phones come with an app preinstalled which enables easy transfer of your stuff.

nice_lady - 2021-06-29 18:12:00

Everytime I have upgrade my phone the sales person at the shop has transferred everything over for me.

joanie04 - 2021-06-29 20:09:00
freesia wrote:

I want all the stuff on the old fone put on to the new fone.

Make sure all contacts etc is on the sim.
Transfer photos and such also to the sim. If not enough room, o the SD card. Nothing should be saved to PHONE, but to sim or SD. Then put the sim and SD card in the new phone and there you go.

lythande1 - 2021-06-30 08:43:00
lythande1 wrote:

Make sure all contacts etc is on the sim.
Transfer photos and such also to the sim. If not enough room, o the SD card. Nothing should be saved to PHONE, but to sim or SD. Then put the sim and SD card in the new phone and there you go.

These days contacts are NOT saved to the sim card. If you sync to google then they'll just reappear magically when you setup your new phone, otherwise they're very easy to export anyway. Also you CANNOT SAVE 'photos and such' to the sim card . You never could. Never. They're just not designed that way. Again if you sync your photos to google then they'll be accessible from any device where you are signed into google. However saving photos to an SD card is also a good idea.

Edited by nice_lady at 8:50 am, Wed 30 Jun

nice_lady - 2021-06-30 08:49:00

Google Samsung Smart Switch.If you buy another Samsung(maybe other brands) using this will transfer all your old data.Mine did anyway when my wife and I went from a J series to an A series.As long as the old and new are close.

gazzat22 - 2021-06-30 10:21:00

Save important stuff to the cloud. If you loose your phone you can recover the stuff.

macman26 - 2021-06-30 16:41:00
macman26 wrote:

Save important stuff to the cloud. If you loose your phone you can recover the stuff.

Not the best idea. Copy important stuff to flash drives, do it to a new one every month.

Cloud has issues:

- you lose ownership of the data
- If internet is down to the location of the data then you are screwed
- if data is in another legal jurisdiction then you lose our data and privacy protection
- most cloud solutions are not backed up and many lose data
- If you accidentally delete part or all of your cloud storage you are screwed
- If you don't follow their ever changing policies the data can be deleted
- etc. etc.

Cloud storage is NOT backup.

tony9 - 2021-07-05 08:59:00
tony9 wrote:

Not the best idea. Copy important stuff to flash drives, do it to a new one every month.

Cloud has issues:

- you lose ownership of the data
- If internet is down to the location of the data then you are screwed
- if data is in another legal jurisdiction then you lose our data and privacy protection
- most cloud solutions are not backed up and many lose data
- If you accidentally delete part or all of your cloud storage you are screwed
- If you don't follow their ever changing policies the data can be deleted
- etc. etc.

Cloud storage is NOT backup.

Actually it IS.
But - as with ANY backup DO NOT rely one only ONE backup location or storage media. Back any important stuff up to at least two different backup drives/locations etc etc.

nice_lady - 2021-07-05 09:51:00

lol Flashdrives.
If you lose (ie just plain old lost, or stolen, or fire, or accidental deletion) flashdrive - you lose data.
If flash drive malfunctions, you lose data.
If its in your phone, and you lose the phone... you lose data.

I'm not shilling any one brand, the big cloud providers have a great reputation and millions of customers who have never lost data. I mean the worst one would be apple, with data breachs, but I'm sure they've improved since then.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-07-05 10:20:00

Oh jeez. It's so simple.

Just have more than one backup, on more than one place, on more than one type of media.

nice_lady - 2021-07-05 10:50:00
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