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Cant print text off "office"


Canon G3610 printer will print photos and prints off scanner just fine, will print text if I do a screen shot which is essentially a photo anyway.
BUT if I go into "Office" and try to print a text document it prints the bottom half of the text I.E. cuts the text in half, I went online and tried "just answer"
but they wanted coin every time you questioned(ok they are there to make it)
BUT think they are a bit dodgy. Have tried all the "realignment" of print heads
and a "deep clean" of print heads, it seems to be some setting in "office"
as it prints emails just fine no problems, just the word processor.

bill1451 - 2021-06-23 18:22:00

I presume you have tried printing other documents from other sources.

Also What "office" is this (not that it should matter)

mrfxit - 2021-06-23 18:25:00

Thanks yes I,ll try that and get back.

bill1451 - 2021-06-23 18:28:00

it is "open office 4" a free version not really that keen on paying as I dont use it that much. I have printed off it with my old printer. New Canon will print emails
and photos but not "office" attachments to emails.Yet it will print the emojis down the bottom of the page, in office, funny faces, call outs, stars etc, BUT not text, doing a screenshot of the text is fine but long winded and not really that easy as it takes a few steps to get rid of all the other stuff on the page other than the text

bill1451 - 2021-06-23 19:08:00

Done this?

If its fine ,then try another office suite, ie Libre office.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-06-23 19:15:00

The member deleted this message.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-06-23 19:16:00

For what it's worth, I'd suggest checking that you have the latest version of the print driver installed, and would even recommend reinstalling it again regardless. I remember setting up a system for a customer who purchased their printer after the system. It had MS Office and everything worked fine, except that it would not print page numbers at the bottom. They would appear in preview, but not actually on the page.
After some time was spent on it (including OS reinstall) we found that if MS Office was installed first, and then the Print Driver, the page numbers would not print, no matter what you tried. But if the print driver was installed first, and then MS Office, everything worked fine. one of those weird issues we've all seen something similar and when you do, particularly if you've resolved it, you never seem to forget. So, worth a crack, Nigel!

cookee_nz - 2021-06-23 21:46:00
bill1451 wrote:

Canon G3610 printer will print
BUT if I go into "Office" and try to print a text document it prints the bottom half of the text

Then you have the incorrect settings in your "office" program. Check what printer it is set to use (there sometimes can be more than one) and what the properties are of the printing, from there.

lythande1 - 2021-06-24 08:41:00

It could be that they're trying to print 'office' attachments that they don't have any update for open office to deal with.

OP make sure you either install Libre Office LATEST version, ( this is a more up to date 'open office'). Or make certain that you have the latest updates installed in open office.

When you go to print an attachment what is the exact file extension it has? For example could be say; 'Letter. Docx' . The extension is the last part.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:20 am, Thu 24 Jun

nice_lady - 2021-06-24 09:19:00

I've come across similar before....
You can also see a list of installed printers from the "View devices and printers" link in Control Panel. If the printer appears, and there isn't more than 1 printer showing (which may confuse word as it is using another) then the problem lies with Word and you can focus your troubleshooting efforts here.

lythande1 - 2021-06-24 12:53:00

There was an update of windows earlier this week that took out the majority of printers for one of my clients. (Don't panic regular folks, I don't do IT, lol!) - They reported errors very similar to yours OP. (1/2 printed pages, pages coming out with nothing on them). - They have quite a few computers, and it was only the updated ones giving problems. A fix will be available shortly hopefully!

zirconium - 2021-06-25 08:02:00
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