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Can I format my 128g flash drive..?


Just bought a 128g SanDisk flash drive...
It comes with a whole lot of security stuff that it says I have to activate..
Can I just format it and use it as a normal one..?

m16d - 2021-06-21 19:39:00

you can but you'll lose the secure disc feature

trade_menow - 2021-06-21 19:49:00
m16d wrote:

Just bought a 128g SanDisk flash drive...
It comes with a whole lot of security stuff that it says I have to activate..
Can I just format it and use it as a normal one..?

yep, and if you want secure i would just use the windows built in bitlocker. Pretty sure you need a windows pro version to set it up but it will work on any modern'ish windows version

Edited by king1 at 7:53 pm, Mon 21 Jun

king1 - 2021-06-21 19:49:00
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