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PC not recognising RAM


I got a iCore7 2600 Sandybridge with a Z68AP-D3 board running Gskill 2 Ram,both are similar 8GB each.However the computer seems to only recognise just one Ram...on CPU-Z it recognises just 8GB Ram however it does show two RAM slots are occupied with 8GB each.
Anyone can explain this?

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 19:34:00

If you only have one ram stick in does it recognize either one? You've tested them individually?

Have you added a stick or is this something that's happened to two existing sticks?

Tried swapping them round in the slots?

Sorry I'm not going to mess around looking your mobo up on my phone but I'm just trying to ascertain if you've done the basics?

Edited by nice_lady at 7:41 pm, Sun 20 Jun

nice_lady - 2021-06-20 19:40:00

Without doing any specific research the First Question is
Duel channel? And Duel channel enabled in BIOS?

Edits to add.....Gskill 2 Ram,both are similar 8GB each

Similar??? Or Exactly the same and able to run in duel channel??

Edited by redhead18 at 7:49 pm, Sun 20 Jun

redhead18 - 2021-06-20 19:47:00

Yeah I saw that word 'similar' and said "hmmm"..

nice_lady - 2021-06-20 19:51:00

And what does Windows tell you that you have?

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 19:55:00

I have attached a picture of the ram

I am somewhat a noob at computer but how do I know dual channel is enabled in the bios? I did a memory check on the PC and there was no errors.

Edited by nesta129 at 8:05 pm, Sun 20 Jun

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 20:05:00

You don't need to enable dual channel in the bios, you just need to make sure you have the ram installed in the correct slots. For your motherboard you need to have the ram in slots 2 and 4, as you look at them.

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 20:14:00

Are you using Windows 10? If so hit CTRL+ALT+DEL, open the task manager, go to the performance tab followed by memory and see what Windows itself is telling you that you have.

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 20:15:00

Thats an 8gb kit, 2 x 4

swivel - 2021-06-20 20:18:00
swivel wrote:

Thats an 8gb kit, 2 x 4

Lol, yes, this too! I totally missed that!

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 20:19:00

I am using Windows 7 and yeah channel four is blocked by the GPU so I can only use 1 and 3.

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 20:22:00

See post #9 and look again at your sticks of ram. It is a 8GB kit of ram, with 2 4GB sticks and not 2 8GB sticks.

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 20:27:00
cube_guy wrote:

See post #9 and look again at your sticks of ram. It is a 8GB kit of ram, with 2 4GB sticks and not 2 8GB sticks.

Oh its not a total of 8GB per stick? this antihistamines are messing with my mind.

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 20:29:00

Nope, read the small print on the first pic of the ram you posted, 4GBx2. I missed it the first time I looked at it myself!

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 20:32:00
cube_guy wrote:

Nope, read the small print on the first pic of the ram you posted, 4GBx2. I missed it the first time I looked at it myself!

I knew something was amiss when ive been wanting to get more ram but then I looked at my ram to verify and got more confused.Thanks for the clarification.However I am guessing theres no point getting more RAM as the second dual channel slot is blocked? I saw 16gb (two 8GB of them) for sale on here.

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 20:35:00

Yaar Good Work Team...
All Simple, Easy And ..
Underbestumble able..
So Simply get another 2 RAM...stcks..
Or Ewe Know....LOL

Further edit others may differ but in duel channel setups have ALWAYS used matching pairs NOT 2 (x) gig sticks in one channel and 2 (xx) gig sticks matching other channel

Edits to add re Your post#15..
No ram installed...
the second dual channel slot is blocked?

Edited by redhead18 at 8:41 pm, Sun 20 Jun

redhead18 - 2021-06-20 20:37:00

You could get another 1 stick of 8gb, it will work in the free slot you have. just make sure it is pc3-10666

swivel - 2021-06-20 20:45:00

thank you:)

nesta129 - 2021-06-20 20:55:00

The question is though, why do you think you need more ram? What is the PC being used for?

cube_guy - 2021-06-20 21:52:00

8 GB should be sufficient?

tygertung - 2021-06-21 08:17:00
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