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Website advice


Hi - I run a small business with a website, and another company has set up a website address very similar to mine and my customers are buying from them thinking it is me. Currently I am at the top of google search rankings with my current website address/searches - I need to renew my domain shortly, and was thinking of changing my business name to get away from these copycats - but is there anyway I can change my website name etc and still keep my rankings and have people find me - some sort of redirection? Who would I go to to help with this? Thanks

arcane1315 - 2021-06-19 08:02:00

pretty sure you will lose any ranking if you change your name and domain, but that is for an SEO specialist I would have thought, they might have strategies for this scenario...
Another option might be to change your marketing strategy to emphasise your brand and domain name so it is absolutely clear to potential clients which website they should be heading to, maybe also a banner on your site stating you are the 'original' and beware of copycats yada yada.
If they are infringing on your brand name there is probably also options in law to potentially shut them down

king1 - 2021-06-19 09:46:00
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