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WiFi speedtest results on Tablet Tab A 8"


Fibre speeds at my desktop are 105.3 down and 18.3 upload. My plan is 100/20.
Samsung Tablet speed test (WiFi) is 8.2 down and 14.1 upload. Is my ISP provided Linetest tool a reliable tool to test my tablet WiFi connection - or should I get an App?
Tablet has always been slow in use.
Is the tablet just a "slow coach". It is a 2019 model and has always been like that. Is there something I can do to speed it up. Is there a tablet that "works" faster than my Samsung.
All help appreciated.

mariner26 - 2021-06-18 16:38:00

The desktop is connected by cable to your router?

Wifi speeds are generally slower dependant on the router and the wifi. Have you tried any other device on the wifi and tested the speed?

nice_lady - 2021-06-18 19:42:00

Thanks Julie.
This morning's test - 2.8 download, 1.9 upload, Seated beside the modem!1
iPhone - 68 download, 19.9 upload
Maybe I just need an iPad and to bin the Samsung!!!
Speed for Tab A did go to 36 last evening. But now it's sulking again.
We're used to the tablet and its foibles. Shall just hang in there.
Thanks for info.
No need for further comment.

mariner26 - 2021-06-19 07:23:00

Your tablet may only be capable of 2.4Ghz wifi connection and the iphone maybe capable of 5Ghz wifi connection. This would reduce the tablets connection speeds substantially, assuming your router is dual wifi capable.

You could put a wifi app on the tablet which can read the available wifi channels and suggest the best one to set the router at. It's possible the router isn't broadcasting on the best channel.

nice_lady - 2021-06-19 08:20:00

Try changing the router. I have had a machine which had poor results with wifi and changing the router made a massive difference.

tygertung - 2021-06-19 08:27:00

The member deleted this message.

azza20 - 2021-06-19 22:06:00

you could try a reset of the network settings

king1 - 2021-06-19 22:28:00

Try answering #2 ... if your pc is connected by ethernet cable of course its going to be faster than anything connected by wifi

trade_menow - 2021-06-19 23:16:00
mariner26 wrote:

Fibre speeds at my desktop are 105.3 down and 18.3 upload. My plan is 100/20.
Samsung Tablet speed test (WiFi) is 8.2 down and 14.1 upload.

Wifi is a pita. You could use a mesh network (google it, plenty around) or a powerpoint booster in the rooms you use it.

lythande1 - 2021-06-20 09:24:00
lythande1 wrote:

Wifi is a pita.

WiFi is great - so long as it's set up well with good hardware.

nice_lady - 2021-06-20 10:06:00
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