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47% of Kiwis think banks charge too much...


What's wrong with the other 53%?

sparkychap - 2021-06-17 06:46:00

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bill-robinson - 2021-06-17 08:29:00
bill-robinson wrote:

they moved to a bank with no fees.

Or work for the banks

loose.unit8 - 2021-06-17 09:35:00
sparkychap wrote:

What's wrong with the other 53%?

Don't know or don't care and don't wonder why they are short of money?

amasser - 2021-06-17 10:47:00
sparkychap wrote:

What's wrong with the other 53%?

They are tenants.

masturbidder - 2021-06-17 10:52:00

Haha, try having an account in France, they charge you 2% for putting money IN!

jeffqv - 2021-06-17 10:58:00
sparkychap wrote:

What's wrong with the other 53%?

The smart ones not only don't pay bank fees, but are also more likely to own bank shares laughing at all the village idiots giving them 10% ROI who do pay bank fees!

ian1990 - 2021-06-17 11:15:00

The 47% basically do not like banks... no matter what banks did they would still not like them !! They have this moisty eyed notion that banks should operate for free, should do everything you want them to do, loan / give you money under every circumstance and have a branch open full of staff and at a location totally convenient to them, and as for being a business and making a profit !!!! profit is only ok if you are making it, if anybody else is making a profit that is bad / evil / corrupt !!

onl_148 - 2021-06-17 11:30:00

Banks when cash rate drops "Due to swap rates and other bullshit reasons, we'll be keeping our mortgage rates the same"

Banks at the end of financial year "We made record profits again!"

sooperdoopa - 2021-06-17 12:46:00
jeffqv wrote:

Haha, try having an account in France, they charge you 2% for putting money IN!

Do they have negative interest rates?

Edit: they do or have done until not long ago. I guess they need to make their money somewhere?

Edited by loose.unit8 at 12:54 pm, Thu 17 Jun

loose.unit8 - 2021-06-17 12:53:00

The only bank fees I ever get charged are credit card fees (annual fee, not interest). Haven't had a fee on any transactional account for as long as I can remember. What are people charged fees for?

blands70 - 2021-06-17 12:53:00
blands70 wrote:

The only bank fees I ever get charged are credit card fees (annual fee, not interest). Haven't had a fee on any transactional account for as long as I can remember. What are people charged fees for?

Most banks charge a monthly fee for Revolving Credit ($10/12) for example

jeffqv - 2021-06-17 13:33:00
loose.unit8 wrote:

Do they have negative interest rates?

Edit: they do or have done until not long ago. I guess they need to make their money somewhere?

Was a while ago when borrowing rates were around 9%!

jeffqv - 2021-06-17 13:34:00

This message was deleted.

bill-robinson - 2021-06-17 19:15:00

Certain accounts at most banks attract zero fees. In my case my current account has no fees as long as I deposit a certain amount each month, that does not include transfers from my other savings accounts into it.

joanie04 - 2021-06-17 20:14:00
bill-robinson wrote:

you must also remember a lot of people theses days do not take eftpos receipts so how do they check bank statements.if thet ever do.

Some people have all their bills taken care of by automatic payment and then only have a wee bit left over for day to day so can easily keep a track of it just by looking at their balance on their phone.

mazalinas - 2021-06-17 20:26:00
bill-robinson wrote:

you must also remember a lot of people theses days do not take eftpos receipts so how do they check bank statements.if thet ever do.

People check their balance on an ongoing basis rather than check their monthly statements.

pico42 - 2021-06-17 21:32:00

I pay 35 cents per eftpos transaction, monthly withdraw fees etc.
Its not that much compared to having to DIY payments & carry cash around all of the time.

marte - 2021-06-17 22:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

What's wrong with the other 53%?

Too much for what? I pay no transactions fees and no monthly fees. Yes if you have credit card debt or personal loan debt, perhaps, mortgage rates are certainly not too much at present.

lythande1 - 2021-06-18 08:24:00
marte wrote:

I pay 35 cents per eftpos transaction, monthly withdraw fees etc.
Its not that much compared to having to DIY payments & carry cash around all of the time.

It's a lot more than nothing though! Perhaps you should look into a different kind of account. We swipe our cards (or phone, don't even carry cards everywhere) willy nilly without having to worry about it costing anything. Hardly ever carry cash as it's easer to just pay wave.

blands70 - 2021-06-18 10:14:00

Remember that service or product is really only "free" when nobody is paying for it. As long as they can collect enough fees from "customer A & B" then they can afford to not charge "customer C" any fees !!
I understand that in the "banking world" people who have a credit card and always pay it off on or before the due date, and as such never rack up any interest etc, are referred to as "freeloaders"

onl_148 - 2021-06-18 13:13:00
jeffqv wrote:

Most banks charge a monthly fee for Revolving Credit ($10/12) for example

Kiwibank don't, and their Visa card has no annual fees. Can't understand why people just pay and pay and pay.

masturbidder - 2021-06-18 17:55:00
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