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Trade Me hyperlink help please


When I get a Trade Me alert for a saved search and I am interested in viewing the auction I click on the image (I use outlook for emails) and it opens in Chrome and takes me to view it immediately. But how can I stop the computer taking me out of outlook and into viewing chrome immediately...I want to stay in my emails (and have chrome open) but choose to then go to chrome once I have finished my emails it possible to do this?

demsey - 2021-06-16 12:33:00

This on a computer, phone, what?

nice_lady - 2021-06-16 12:46:00

On a laptop. If i am in an internet page I can open a link to a separate tab without leaving the page I am on ..I want to do a similar thing with a link in an email..

demsey - 2021-06-16 12:50:00

apparently firefox lets you do that but not chrome - it's not really anything that Outlook can control, hyperlinks are a windows OS function...

Edited by king1 at 1:01 pm, Wed 16 Jun

king1 - 2021-06-16 13:00:00

The thing you clik .............instead of LEFT clicking it use the RIGHT mouse button to clik it. You should get an option to 'open new window/tab' etc ?

If not then right clik it anyway and another possible option will be 'copy shortcut' or similar. You do this then open a tab/page/window in chrome and paste the link into the addy bar

Also do you mean 'outlook' the PROGRAM or outlook the web based email page ?

If it's the program you it wont be taking you out of outlook it'll be opening a browser window. You can flick between them. Just take a look at the bar on the lowest part of your screen. OR you can press Alt key and tap Tab and that'll show you all that's open - keep holding Alt and tap tab to flick between open apps/pages when you get on the one you want release the keys.

Edited by nice_lady at 1:09 pm, Wed 16 Jun

nice_lady - 2021-06-16 13:04:00

I am using the outlook program and yes it does open a browser window automatically (and takes me to it automatically) ..thank you for the hint of Alt and Tab to flick back to my emails...

demsey - 2021-06-16 13:40:00

Another approach is to use your browser to access Outlook rather than the Outlook application. This is at

It's a different interface for your email, but intuitive and does the same job. Then, you can right-click and select 'Open in new tab' and it remains in the email window (the Outlook application doesn't do this).

gyrogearloose - 2021-06-16 14:24:00

Thank you..I'll try that.

demsey - 2021-06-16 14:41:00
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