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National Radio audio quality


[Not a craft or a hobby unless you count an interest in world geopolitics a hobby but anyway . .]
. . . . .
QUESTION: Anyone follow National Radio, Nine to Noon etc?

If so, have you wondered how learned guests from the USA and the UK (Susan Davis, Ron Elving, Matthew Parris and more) come across totally crystal clear, yet heaps of NZ interviews are garbled garbage like someone chewing paper in a biscuit tin - maybe using a 1G /027 phone with a failing battery?

Or is this due to an electrostatic field that hovers over the Land of the Flat White Loud?

Edited by thetechman at 4:23 pm, Tue 15 Jun

thetechman - 2021-06-15 16:22:00

The people who are calling from overseas will be calling over the internet using a service like "Zoom" or something, and if they have a good mic, it could be just as good as sitting in the studio. The people in NZ might be just using a cellphone.

tygertung - 2021-06-15 16:38:00

There's a newsreader [female] on The Sound whose voice is too soft to distinguish words, not really suitable for news reading. She is probably heard on other stations run by Mediaworks.

voyager4 - 2021-06-17 10:52:00

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thetechman - 2021-06-18 21:30:00

The techman - I do notice differing qualities in sound on National Radio, so much so that I give up when the sound quality is particularly poor. I do have a hearing loss, and notice that people in general mumble when I don't have my hearing aids in ????, but this goes beyond that, and I find it disappointing.

calista - 2021-06-24 19:20:00

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calista - 2021-06-24 19:21:00

found the same voice quality on one of the air NZ flights from Auckland to chch last month.. was very crackly & had to guess what they were saying for the both the air hostess announcement & the pilots one later

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-06-28 01:16:00
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