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Site With Statistics & Sales Please


Morning you lovely people. We're looking to purchase. This morning my DH was on a fabulous site that showed all sales, local demographics and loads of other info on a property we were interested in but now, even going through history, we cannot find it.

Can any one point me in the right direction please. Had a look at One Roof but he said it was much more detailed than that and showed things like how often the house had been sold, when and, if I am to believe him, prices (that last might just be him trying to sound more impressive).

buzzy110 - 2021-06-14 10:40:00

Just google the address of the property you are interested in and open everything that pops up and most links with each sites within

toyboy3 - 2021-06-14 10:44:00
3 maybe?

fxx99 - 2021-06-14 10:51:00
toyboy3 wrote:

Just google the address of the property you are interested in and open everything that pops up and most links with each sites within

Yeah. I thought that would work as well but all I get back is One Roof and the current marketing for this particular property

buzzy110 - 2021-06-14 10:54:00
fxx99 wrote: maybe?

NO that didn't provide me with the info I was after. However, it was excellent to see what properties had recently sold in the area and how much.

buzzy110 - 2021-06-14 10:58:00
buzzy110 wrote:

Yeah. I thought that would work as well but all I get back is One Roof and the current marketing for this particular property

Sometimes I google images and follow those links also use the property next door helps, it also will kill a lot of time but give neighbourhood information
Also put the street, road address into the local paper web site

Edited by toyboy3 at 11:10 am, Mon 14 Jun

toyboy3 - 2021-06-14 11:04:00
toyboy3 wrote:

Sometimes I google images and follow those links also use the property next door helps, it also will kill a lot of time but give neighbourhood information
Also put the street, road address into the local paper web site

Thanks. I was really just hoping for a link to a site that was either "the site" my DH was on this morning or one very similar. One Roof is almost there but the site my DH was on had the last 6 or 7 sales and prices, for that property along with neighbouring demographics, property valuations and a whole host of other info. It had info like when the house was built, for instance.

I'm really gutted he didn't save the site in favourites or that even using History, I cannot get that particular site up. I don't really have all day to go looking. I'm supposed to be prepping an entire sack of red onions for fermenting and other things, like packing up our house, now that it has sold.

Edited by buzzy110 at 11:19 am, Mon 14 Jun

buzzy110 - 2021-06-14 11:17:00

sparkychap - 2021-06-14 11:18:00
sparkychap wrote:


Yep. That looks like a good site but you have to sign up for it to see anything.

Oh well. Never mind. Thank you all so much for trying hard on my behalf. I'm sorry I am so picky. I hate people who are never satisfied and I seem to be turning into one of those people. Best I just browbeat the agent and see what I can get out of her, I think.

buzzy110 - 2021-06-14 11:40:00

Is it in your browsing history?

amasser - 2021-06-15 07:14:00

You can get past sales and valuation from the insights section of trade me property, i think also has past sales and you can also watch auctions live (and get auction history) with barfoot and ray white. Hope this helps

vellumbooks - 2021-06-15 17:07:00
amasser wrote:

Is it in your browsing history?

This is probably the best idea.

If you are using a computer/laptop then press Ctrl-H (hold the Ctrl key down and press the H) and it will give you a list of where you have been.

soundsgood - 2021-06-16 10:41:00

Thanks ever so much for all your suggestions.

buzzy110 - 2021-06-16 14:29:00
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