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Screen protector compatible for fingerprint ?


Do they exist ?
I got a screen protector for a Samsung A32, but the fingerprint reader doesn't work with it.
I cannot either register a second f/print, as the phone keeps repeating to cover the whole sensor when in fact, it is.

zak410 - 2021-06-13 17:00:00

And does it do that without the protector?

nice_lady - 2021-06-13 17:40:00

Personally I don't use a screen protector. Haven't managed to break a screen in ten years of using smartphones - yet.

nice_lady - 2021-06-13 17:42:00
nice_lady wrote:

And does it do that without the protector?

No, was fine without the protector.

zak410 - 2021-06-13 17:46:00
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