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Check out this dinosaur HDD!


Was given it a couple of years ago with a bunch of other vintage gear.
Its a 14 inch drive that came out of a hotel. Im surprised they were still using drives this size in the 1980s when the IBM PC only had a 5.25 inch disk.
I just got a case made for it and was wondering whether or not I put a motor back on it to spin it up and make some sort of oscillator that could move the voice coil around as if its reading data for display.

nzoomed - 2021-06-11 20:51:00

Good doorstop ????

nice_lady - 2021-06-11 20:57:00
nice_lady wrote:

Good doorstop ????

Im probably going to keep it in the entranceway where people see it as they come in.

nzoomed - 2021-06-11 21:50:00

Used to service ďrives that size whèn I used to worķ on computers back in 1979. My nephew asķed me if thèý were big. I replìèd that it took 2 of us to lift èach òf them onto 2 school desks so we work on them.
Às far as capàcity ìs concerned ...20 megs or so.
Couple of terabytè wiĺl fìt in a shiŕtpockèt now.

ians2 - 2021-06-11 22:17:00

lythande1 - 2021-06-12 08:58:00

I remember the dark days of tape drives, lol, FDDs were amazing! The first HDD I had, you had to park it when done using it....

lythande1 - 2021-06-12 08:59:00

Same. Mine was a 10 meg MFM, Double Spaced to 20 megs WOW

swivel - 2021-06-12 11:14:00
swivel wrote:

Same. Mine was a 10 meg MFM, Double Spaced to 20 megs WOW

If you upgraded it to an RLL controller you could have gotten 40MB!

nzoomed - 2021-06-12 11:40:00
nzoomed wrote:

If you upgraded it to an RLL controller you could have gotten 40MB!

Naa, did what i wanted back in the day, Ran Desqview and my Spitfire BBS "Swivel's BBS"

swivel - 2021-06-12 12:04:00

I remember the days before computers even existed and we did anything complex with hand-punched ticker tape and readers.

tegretol - 2021-06-12 14:15:00

Reminds me of my first computer with a harddrive, it was 20mb and was about my 5th computer LOL :)

sirrab - 2021-06-12 23:26:00

My first HD was a 40mb RLL Seagate. Cost around $700 in 1989. I thought it was so wonderful after 360 and 1.2 floppies.

bwg11 - 2021-06-13 16:14:00
tegretol wrote:

I remember the days before computers even existed and we did anything complex with hand-punched ticker tape and readers.

Surely those were computers?

ofaatudesigns - 2021-06-14 08:09:00
ofaatudesigns wrote:

Surely those were computers?

Just what I was going to say....
In the dark ages they used slide rules...

lythande1 - 2021-06-14 08:49:00
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