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I hate my Laser Printer


Thought I had better check the toner level & it said "Very low, change when the print quality is no longer satisfactory".

Dang it, that was about 150 pages ago & it's still printing fine.

mrfxit - 2021-06-10 20:21:00

Its a warning not a statement that it is out already.

lythande1 - 2021-06-11 09:09:00

Haha but like the garage who rang me while doing a small amount of work on my car and suggested I might like to replace the tires. They said they were down to 2.5 mm. Legally they can go to 1.5mm. I said No.

nice_lady - 2021-06-11 10:02:00

1.5mm is an arbitrary legal minimum. Personally I like my tyres to be safe, especially on the highway in winter, and start thinking about replacement at about 3mm. My mechanic would probably never see them at 2.5 because usually I would have already replaced them.

raewyn2 - 2021-06-11 12:04:00

I'd suggest that 1.5mm is anything BUT an 'arbitrary legal minimum' . This is a safety issue so I'd doubt the 'Authorities' just pulled a figure out of their A$$ for that.

nice_lady - 2021-06-11 12:52:00

How long is a piece of thread? Tyre safety is about: how fast you go, how well you can handle the car, how good the road is, how well your car handles, whether any parts of the car are worn, how much load it's carrying, what other road users are doing, etc. So any number provided for the legal minimum tyre tread is arbitrary. In any situation some factors are under the driver's control, some not. I prefer to know that my tyres have plenty of grip.

Put it into computer terms. 1.5mm is a bit like having Windows with no updates. It's fine until you click on a link in a dodgy email and suddenly you wish you had a bit more protection.

Coming back to the OP, I appreciate when the printer tells me the toner is a bit low so I can get a new one ready before it runs right out in the middle of an important print job. I also appreciate it when my mechanic tells me that something on my car needs attention before it becomes urgent or risks an accident.

raewyn2 - 2021-06-11 14:51:00
raewyn2 wrote:

Tyre safety is about: how fast you go, how well you can handle the car, how good the road is, how well your car handles, whether any parts of the car are worn, how much load it's carrying, what other road users are doing, etc. So any number provided for the legal minimum tyre tread is arbitrary. In any situation some factors are under the driver's control, some not. I prefer to know that my tyres have plenty of grip.

Many of the things you mention above might well contribute to a crash if mismanaged. Speed, bad vehicle maintenance, oveloaded, bad luck, you name it. So you might as well just replace your tyres when they're at 5mm and even then you'll be uncertain of how safe you are. Come to think of it - why drive at all ?

MY point is that the legal minimum is 1.5mm the garage suggested changing the tyre at 2.5mm not because they give a sh*t about my safety but because they want to make money.

nice_lady - 2021-06-11 15:04:00

Then you are going to the wrong mechanic. My mechanic knows I value safety reliability and economy and that they will get my business for what needs to be done. And because they're good, they are also very busy so have no need to create work. When I get tyres, I get them from a tyre shop anyway. And as I said, start thinking about it at 3mm so as to have a reasonable buffer between the arbitrary legal minimum and everything else that happens on the road. It still takes 4 years/80,000kms to get there so not exactly something I worry about every day.

raewyn2 - 2021-06-11 15:14:00

What might be 2.5mm now, might be less than 1.5mm in 12 months depending on how much the car gets used in between WOFs, and taking into account the time of year & maybe the garage is having a sale on that tyre at the time.

I know with my cars,i buy them with maybe one slight problem, knowing that i could replace 20 diffrent parts & spend $1200+ & you wouldnt notice the difference.
But it had to be done.

marte - 2021-06-11 19:36:00

So the OP talks about a printer and it turns into an argument on tyres????

kerryalan - 2021-06-11 19:40:00
kerryalan wrote:

So the OP talks about a printer and it turns into an argument on tyres????

LOL, yea that went North in a hurry

mrfxit - 2021-06-11 20:21:00
mrfxit wrote:

Thought I had better check the toner level & it said "Very low, change when the print quality is no longer satisfactory".

Dang it, that was about 150 pages ago & it's still printing fine.

I wished I had seen your post sooner. I am going through the same procedure and have a replacement toner ready. Live and Learn eh?

pato1 - 2021-06-19 14:25:00
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