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Synchronising audio and video in vlc player.


For anyone interested I have found the way to synchronise the audio and video permanently, instead of it resetting to 0 between videos and having to set it all the time.

Open vlc player. Go to 'tools' in the menu and click on preferences. Go straight to the bottom LH corner and click on show settings 'all'. Look for 'audio' in the list LH side, click on it. Now look for 'audio desynchronisation compensation' RH side half way down. There you will be able to set the audio track + or - in (ms) milliseconds.

You have to work out whether you need to shift the audio + or -. It may take a few goes at it but once you get it right you will be happy. This is mainly for audio that seems to be out of sync across the board on all videos that you play.

Don't forget to click on 'save' RH very bottom.

Edited by muppet_slayer at 12:05 am, Thu 3 Jun

muppet_slayer - 2021-06-02 23:52:00

problem with that is some videos are out of sync by different amounts. I use potplayer which has a nice keyboard shortcut for adjusting this in real time... ie
shift < >

king1 - 2021-06-03 08:31:00
king1 wrote:

problem with that is some videos are out of sync by different amounts. I use potplayer which has a nice keyboard shortcut for adjusting this in real time... ie
shift < >

vlc has that too, j and k keys. If one is out by 10ms and another 5ms and you set it inbetween the two, say 7ms, then they will be in better sync than what they were. I find they are usually out by similar amounts.

muppet_slayer - 2021-06-03 10:46:00
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