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Would it be better to split this wool


I had buyers remorse and want to sell the wool (see my listings). I haven't had much luck so far, so was wondering if it would be better if i made them so much per ball, rather than trying to sell the whole lot together?
Mrs Rob

robert-trademe - 2021-05-29 10:59:00

You say " wool " when it's actually acrylic .I feel you are asking too much for it ,but that's just my opinion .

lyndad59 - 2021-05-29 11:15:00

Personally I wouldn't pay more than $3 -$4 for 100grams of acrylic. if you want a sale you might need to lower your prices. Fine to sell as a lot though.

kiwicarol - 2021-05-29 11:35:00

I think it's a bit expensive for acrylic myself, whether in a bundle or individual balls. As the poster above says, three or four dollars would be more realistic.

hound31 - 2021-05-29 12:42:00

I think you would need to drop your price cos that is expensive for acrylic.

I buy acrylic and I wouldn't pay that much.

I would put a Per Ball price on it, saying that there is so many balls available.

Good luck with your sale

popeye333 - 2021-05-29 12:52:00

Hi there I paid 6.90 for each ball in February hence the price. I just wool to mean anything you knit with so hadn't thought people would think i meant sheep wool. Oops.
thanks for your replies. Bit annoyed now, thought I was getting a good deal and the quality is very nicely, but it would seem it was a bit of a rip off. My fault for buying online sight unseen.

I would love to know where you are all getting 12 ply acrylic from at only 3 - 4 dollars for 100g. Anyone have a link?
Mrs Rob

Edited by robert-trademe at 1:25 pm, Sat 29 May

robert-trademe - 2021-05-29 13:23:00
robert-trademe wrote:

Hi there I paid 6.90 for each ball in February hence the price. I just wool to mean anything you knit with so hadn't thought people would think i meant sheep wool. Oops.
thanks for your replies. Bit annoyed now, thought I was getting a good deal and the quality is very nicely, but it would seem it was a bit of a rip off. My fault for buying online sight unseen.

I would love to know where you are all getting 12 ply acrylic from at only 3 - 4 dollars for 100g. Anyone have a link?
Mrs Rob

Op shops, although you purchased it as new, you are on selling, the general rule of thumb is when selling secondhand you should be charging roughly a third of what you paid for it. although, I will admit some Opshops are getting a bit unrealistic in their pricing.

hound31 - 2021-05-29 13:41:00

Try selling by ball and point out that they are 100gm balls.

jayemtoo - 2021-05-29 14:02:00
hound31 wrote:

Op shops, although you purchased it as new, you are on selling, the general rule of thumb is when selling secondhand you should be charging roughly a third of what you paid for it. although, I will admit some Opshops are getting a bit unrealistic in their pricing.

Wow you are really lucky to find enough wool to knit an adult cardigan in an op shop. I barely find enough in mine to knit a baby hat! And of course that doesn't give you much control over the colour......

robert-trademe - 2021-05-29 14:29:00
robert-trademe wrote:

Wow you are really lucky to find enough wool to knit an adult cardigan in an op shop. I barely find enough in mine to knit a baby hat! And of course that doesn't give you much control over the colour......

We have some great Op shops in Dunedin....

hound31 - 2021-05-29 18:03:00
robert-trademe wrote:

Hi there I paid 6.90 for each ball in February hence the price. I just wool to mean anything you knit with so hadn't thought people would think i meant sheep wool. Oops.
thanks for your replies. Bit annoyed now, thought I was getting a good deal and the quality is very nicely, but it would seem it was a bit of a rip off. My fault for buying online sight unseen.

I would love to know where you are all getting 12 ply acrylic from at only 3 - 4 dollars for 100g. Anyone have a link?
Mrs Rob

I bought some of this recently, works out $4/100gms. Is very soft.
I would never pay more than that for acrylic.

Edited by shelleigh at 9:50 pm, Sat 29 May

shelleigh - 2021-05-29 21:49:00
robert-trademe wrote:

Wow you are really lucky to find enough wool to knit an adult cardigan in an op shop. I barely find enough in mine to knit a baby hat! And of course that doesn't give you much control over the colour......

I don't generally knit cardigans, not my sort of thing. Hats, scarves, gloves, slippers etc. Also do dog coats for rescues. However I have had two good scores. Beautiful brown merino, about $3 a ball, from memory there were about nine in the pack. Also a lovely moss green alpaca mix which was also quite a decent quantity. Sometimes you strike lucky, sometimes not. Also as the poster above has pointed out, very pretty soft acrylics at the red shed. Generally quantity doesn't really matter with what I generally knit.

hound31 - 2021-05-29 22:21:00

I used to knit sometimes.. but I had thought that having the same batch number was important to some?

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-05-31 11:00:00

I find a lot of traders are overpricing their yarn, esp the old 1 oz balls, Either they don't know the going rates, or are just plain greedy. The are asking current retail prices for a 50g ball for their 28g balls. A couple of IN TRADE are regulars at this.

voyager4 - 2021-05-31 13:25:00

Also, Spotlight and Crackerjack have some good deals on yarn

voyager4 - 2021-05-31 13:27:00
robert-trademe wrote:

Hi there I paid 6.90 for each ball in February hence the price. I just wool to mean anything you knit with so hadn't thought people would think i meant sheep wool. Oops.
thanks for your replies. Bit annoyed now, thought I was getting a good deal and the quality is very nicely, but it would seem it was a bit of a rip off. My fault for buying online sight unseen.

I would love to know where you are all getting 12 ply acrylic from at only 3 - 4 dollars for 100g. Anyone have a link?
Mrs Rob

Also the buyer will have a shipping cost to pay (unless they can pick-up) so they will factor this in for the 'actual' price that they have to pay. A lot of the yarn that finds it's way to Op Shops is coming from 'stashes' of people who are either down sizing or have died/become unable to knit anymore. Also some op shops will de-construct hand knitted garments which whilst in excellent condition, are no longer fashionable and won't sell.

Edited by brouser3 at 9:09 pm, Wed 2 Jun

brouser3 - 2021-06-02 21:04:00

Crackerjack has acrylic yarn cheap, and I saw in Spotlight packs of 30 balls 5 x six colours DK acrylic for sale at $27. It felt nice and soft too. Touted as baby yarn.

voyager4 - 2021-07-01 15:49:00
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