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For the last 6 years I have been using an all in one PC I have been having problems lately and the guy I took it to was baffled about what was wrong. I was told that I needed a new computer. Here is the problem do I get another all in one (which the man said was a total wrong choice) or do I get a one that has a separate screen and what ever. I am totally baffled as I am 70 and I am not very tech minded.

jaybee104 - 2021-05-28 15:01:00

This came up in a recent thread and there was quite a discussion about it. The general consensus was that if you have the space, a standard PC box with a separate screen will be more powerful for the same money, will be easier to repair and easier to upgrade. In my opinion the only time that an All In One makes any sense is if space is at an absolute premium. Others may disagree, of course.

cube_guy - 2021-05-28 15:16:00

So what EXACTLY is going wrong with your current machine?

Btw: I agree with cube_guy

Edited by nice_lady at 3:51 pm, Fri 28 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-28 15:50:00

I fixed many computers that customers had been told by others that needed replacing. Whats was wrong with it exactly?

Second all in ones are awful. Usually crap parts, hard to work on - and upgrade.
Go with Computer Lounge, a reputable shop, they use good parts and can custom build as well as what they have listed.
If it really needs replacing that is.

lythande1 - 2021-05-29 08:24:00
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