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Google Photos


Can anyone please confirm whether there is a change in the wind for the (so far) free Google Photos sometime in about a month? And when that happens, what would happen to all my precious photos and videos I have on that particular site? Thanks in advance.

johnhb - 2021-05-25 16:49:00

yep, after 1st June any photos uploaded will count towards your 15GB quota. Currently only original quality photos are counted ie if you let google compress them they didn't count towards the 15GB.
Existing uploads aren't included, only those after 1st June

Edited by king1 at 5:09 pm, Tue 25 May

king1 - 2021-05-25 17:07:00

You should NEVER rely on storing your precious stuff in one place. ALWAYS have a backup.

nice_lady - 2021-05-25 18:23:00

not mentioned in that article but i'm pretty sure I recall them changing policy on inactive accounts as well, to allow your data to be deleted if the accounts are inactive for two years or over quota

king1 - 2021-05-25 18:45:00
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