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Landlord bashing again?


31 million a week for 360,000 people is $86/person per week.

WOW, big deal.

smallwoods - 2021-05-22 23:56:00

Yeah, it is a big deal considering "households that receive it typically pay about half their income in rent" and it "costs taxpayers more than $1.5 billion a year" and "most of the current assistance just ends up in landlords' back pockets."
A rent freeze is well overdue!

mazalinas - 2021-05-23 00:16:00
mazalinas wrote:

Yeah, it is a big deal considering "households that receive it typically pay about half their income in rent" and it "costs taxpayers more than $1.5 billion a year" and "most of the current assistance just ends up in landlords' back pockets."
A rent freeze is well overdue!

So move them out of private rentals.
Easy done.

Oh, where will they go?

smallwoods - 2021-05-23 08:48:00
smallwoods wrote:

So move them out of private rentals.
Easy done.

Oh, where will they go?

To the Motels of course...

lovelurking - 2021-05-23 09:03:00
lovelurking wrote:

To the Motels of course...

No then landlords will just moan about the amount of money being spent to keep them there.

sparkychap - 2021-05-23 09:07:00
lovelurking wrote:

To the Motels of course...

But the motels are $400 per night not $400 per week?
Oh that's right - the tax payer will pay.

pcle - 2021-05-23 09:09:00


sparkychap - 2021-05-23 09:11:00
sparkychap wrote:

No then landlords will just moan about the amount of money being spent to keep them there.

Not only the landlords...
It’s a subject us non landlords moan about a lot too. ????

lovelurking - 2021-05-23 09:14:00

The question is 'Where did all these Homeless people come from" Numbers seem to have multiplied in the last 10 years ?

gazzat22 - 2021-05-23 09:15:00
gazzat22 wrote:

The question is 'Where did all these Homeless people come from" Numbers seem to have multiplied in the last 10 years ?

From their mummies tummies?

lovelurking - 2021-05-23 09:19:00
gazzat22 wrote:

The question is 'Where did all these Homeless people come from" Numbers seem to have multiplied in the last 10 years ?

While Labour were in opposition, they were all living in their cars (according to the multiple news stories). We never see stories about people living in cars now that Labour is the Govt.

kateley - 2021-05-23 09:24:00
lovelurking wrote:

To the Motels of course...

And WHO owns the motels?

smallwoods - 2021-05-23 09:46:00
smallwoods wrote:

And WHO owns the motels?

The Deep State.

sparkychap - 2021-05-23 09:48:00
smallwoods wrote:

And WHO owns the motels?

The ones I’ve seen are operated by new New Zealanders. Not sure whether it’s the freehold but if they are leases they are likely in breach of the agreement..

lovelurking - 2021-05-23 10:16:00

can Labout not see that by demonising Landlords plenty of people are going to sell up their rentals and get out of the game...... which will probably get snapped up by developers who'll bulldoze it anyway......

and then there'll be a shortage of rentals and the competition and rent will go up.....

or is this just me??

dazarae - 2021-05-23 10:37:00
dazarae wrote:

can Labout not see that by demonising Landlords plenty of people are going to sell up their rentals and get out of the game...... which will probably get snapped up by developers who'll bulldoze it anyway......

and then there'll be a shortage of rentals and the competition and rent will go up.....

or is this just me??

This government doesn't seem to joint the dots very quickly.
However in this instance I agree with Grant Robertson, and I'm not a Landlord basher. but if you prop people up and artificially increase their income there are many people who are waiting to pluck it off them.
If suddenly everyone lost their accommodation supplement, I'm sure there would be plenty of landlords willing to negotiate.

heather902 - 2021-05-23 10:52:00
smallwoods wrote:

31 million a week for 360,000 people is $86/person per week.

WOW, big deal.

If it doesn't go to land lords then where else would it go? The clue is in the name.

curlcrown - 2021-05-23 11:07:00
dazarae wrote:

can Labout not see that by demonising Landlords plenty of people are going to sell up their rentals and get out of the game...... which will probably get snapped up by developers who'll bulldoze it anyway......

and then there'll be a shortage of rentals and the competition and rent will go up.....

or is this just me??

Bulldozing and redeveloping normally results on higher density multi-unit dwellings. So if a few rentals get turned into 2-3 or more dwellings, then what's the problem?

sparkychap - 2021-05-23 11:18:00

The historical issue causing lack of housing for renters is the sell off of state housing and the lack of replacement of them in new builds over many years. In Auckland it became even worse as the then council sold off large numbers of council houses as well. As a landlord, I agree with the removal of the accommodation allowance as it artificially increases the profit for private landlords from renting out housing and doesn't increase the availability of rental housing. There does need to be a transition period if it is removed and justification for its removal should not be the increase of houses on the market for people who can afford it to buy. That doesn't help renters. Its beyond time to increase the number of publicly owned rental houses with rent being tagged to income not 'market'. I don't believe a rent freeze will help as we witnessed the mess 'freezes' inflict - under Muldoon - once the freeze comes off costs go through the roof. Increasing the rental stock build for public houses, removal of accommodation allowance, regulation of the % allowable in rent increases and annualizing rent increases along with monitored required conditions of rentals is more likely to help in the long term. If we want to live in a community that actively cares for its members then we need to move away from libertarian $ focused management of housing and stop blaming people who are poor for the difficulties they face in finding safe, warm, long lasting homes.

upfront1 - 2021-05-23 12:58:00
upfront1 wrote:

The historical issue causing lack of housing for renters is the sell off of state housing and the lack of replacement of them in new builds over many years. In Auckland it became even worse as the then council sold off large numbers of council houses as well. ... .

Most sold state and council housing went to community housing providers at heavily discounted prices, and with contracted conditions including income related rent. Some were 'sold' to eg Tamaki Regeneration Programme for large scale redevelopment. Some were sold to tenants and some on the open market if there was no demand for size and location.

Have to remember the demand for social housing now is a world of difference to pre 2018, not just in numbers but also demographics and politics.

What you say about the so-called 'sell off is wheeled out frequently but it is not the full story by any means and is mainly politics.

artemis - 2021-05-23 18:46:00

But the whole point of the accomadation supplement was to subsidise private rentals so the government didn't have to keep building or repairing state houses - who did they expect it to be paid too?

trudyg1 - 2021-05-23 22:18:00

What you say about the so-called 'sell off is wheeled out frequently but it is not the full story by any means and is mainly politics.[/quote]

I'm not talking politics here, I'm talking stupid short sighted policy.
A lot of the state houses were sold off to people who used them as their 'start up' landlording and the increases in rents have continued to be fed by the state (that's us the taxpayers) subsidising private profits of landlords. This coincided with a lack of replacement builds by the govt agencies and the so called rise in 'social housing' managed by agencies (benevolent or not) outside of central govt. Like I said, short sighted stupid policy.

upfront1 - 2021-05-24 19:04:00

just put those homeless people in the 100,000 new homes you built labour.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-05-26 21:27:00
pcle wrote:

But the motels are $400 per night not $400 per week?
Oh that's right - the tax payer will pay.

So who do you think, pays the Accommodation Supplement?????

shortee2 - 2021-06-07 16:12:00

This message was deleted.

kiwilandchch - 2021-06-07 16:46:00
kiwilandchch wrote:

how do i get one wouldnt mind a free holiday

if you’ve seen the quality of many of these motels, it’s no holiday.

sparkychap - 2021-06-07 16:53:00

Why doesn't the government just collect all the houses off the landlords and keep them. They had some law during covid they could take accomodation if they wanted it.

ash4561 - 2021-06-07 18:35:00
ash4561 wrote:

Why doesn't the government just collect all the houses off the landlords and keep them. They had some law during covid they could take accomodation if they wanted it.

Why don't they just round up all the tenants and put them in a concentration camp? What a muppet.

pcle - 2021-06-08 07:51:00
sparkychap wrote:

if you’ve seen the quality of many of these motels, it’s no holiday.

some of the ones here are/were quite nice. Spa baths and everything. I wonder if they are allowed to use the swimming pool?

And hey if you aren’t paying to stay there, sounds like a free holiday to me.

lakeview3 - 2021-06-08 08:19:00
ash4561 wrote:

Why doesn't the government just collect all the houses off the landlords and keep them. They had some law during covid they could take accomodation if they wanted it.

Hey, what's your address? I'll be popping around to grab some of your stuff.

apollo11 - 2021-06-08 08:51:00
sparkychap wrote:

if you’ve seen the quality of many of these motels, it’s no holiday.

Quote from stuff news
Jun 06 2017...
“One of the top Motels in Blenheim Rose on Brydan could be bought to provide emergency accommodation for families and individuals struggling to find a place to live...”

At the time I was gobsmacked to read that such a wonderful complex was no longer available for travellers accommodation.
I think things have got a lot worse since 2017...

lovelurking - 2021-06-08 08:55:00

Why don’t they buy up some of cruise ships that are being sold for bugger all currently, could anchor them in harbors around the country and house thousands.

rowlf - 2021-06-08 20:39:00
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