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FTT = no eviction

" The landlord had followed correct process, serving Tarau with notices about anti-social behaviour on three separate occasions, and applying to the tribunal within 28 days of the third notice.

“I consider it would not be unfair to terminate the tenancy given the circumstances in which the behaviour arose, and the notices that were given,” the decision says.

“I cannot consider the impact on the tenant, in making an order for termination of the tenancy.”

But that wasn’t possible because fixed-term tenancies aren’t covered by the section of the Residential Tenancies Act which allows them to be cut short due to anti-social behaviour.

Tarau was at the Tenancy Tribunal hearing with her mother and daughter as support, the decision said.

Her tenancy of the London St flat is due to end in July 2021."

Edited by sweetgurl108 at 10:57 am, Fri 21 May

sweetgurl108 - 2021-05-21 10:54:00

Suck it up neighbours.
It's only kind and fair.

pcle - 2021-05-21 11:18:00

At least yah all know her name and pic, she be happy under a bridge somewhere.

gabbysnana - 2021-05-21 12:31:00

So basically once they have the tenancy agreement that is fixed term they can just wreack havoc and do whatever the hell they want. Seems a bit off to me

familiadude1 - 2021-05-21 17:51:00

Not a lot of point in new fixed term tenancy agreements now. Though if they started before 11 Feb this year they can be extended (only) by agreement and retain the old rules (eg termination by notice) but Healthy Homes compliance 90 days will be triggered.

artemis - 2021-05-22 06:34:00

I don't like her chances of another rental after July....

jamesnmatt - 2021-05-23 12:53:00
jamesnmatt wrote:

I don't like her chances of another rental after July....

Jacinda and co will see her right.

tony9 - 2021-05-23 21:14:00
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