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making snuggle sacks for cats


I am wanting to make a few snuggle sacks for my cats. Does anyone have ideas for the opening? I don't want the opening to be flat. Is there something I can sew into the opening to make it stiffer? Any ideas?

yuuhoo - 2021-05-17 10:13:00

If you don't want it to be flexible, you could stretch a wire coathanger, removing the hook as well.

voyager4 - 2021-05-17 15:06:00

How do you get the cats in the sack?

figjam000 - 2021-05-19 12:50:00

Boning that is used to support dress bodices might give you support without too much weight. You can buy by meter at spotlight

mica3 - 2021-05-19 13:32:00
figjam000 wrote:

How do you get the cats in the sack?

With great difficulty....

hound31 - 2021-05-19 14:29:00
hound31 wrote:

With great difficulty....

is that like the 'giving a cat a pill' scenario

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-05-19 14:49:00

Like herding cats??
I read a vets report once that when giving horses pills via a straw down the throat, he has to be quick to blow first, else he ends up with the pill returned.

voyager4 - 2021-05-26 09:22:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-06-12 14:40:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-06-12 14:41:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-06-12 14:42:00

I crochet one for my cat last year and used a piece of no 8 wire made into a circle.The ends were covered in insulation tape.

heatherg20 - 2021-06-14 15:47:00

I don't know what snuggle sacks are like but my cat received a pet bed for Mother's Day this year. I thought she'd ignore it, as she has happily slept on my bed, the spare bed, various easy chairs and the couch. But after looking at it a while, she got into it and was soon happily purring. Since then, she spends quite a lot of time cosily seated in it - a great gift!

I think cats like to feel enclosed, hence that old children's book, 'My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes.'

So no, you certainly couldn't force a cat in one without a struggle, but you may be surprised to find that after a while the cat will discover that it's pretty nice.

Edited by venna2 at 6:06 pm, Mon 14 Jun

venna2 - 2021-06-14 18:05:00
venna2 wrote:

I don't know what snuggle sacks are like but my cat received a pet bed for Mother's Day this year. I thought she'd ignore it, as she has happily slept on my bed, the spare bed, various easy chairs and the couch. But after looking at it a while, she got into it and was soon happily purring. Since then, she spends quite a lot of time cosily seated in it - a great gift!

I think cats like to feel enclosed, hence that old children's book, 'My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes.'

So no, you certainly couldn't force a cat in one without a struggle, but you may be surprised to find that after a while the cat will discover that it's pretty nice.

So true! I read something a while back about a very recent study where cat-owners were asked to do a simply experiment with their cats. Involved putting an outline of square or rectangle on the floor with tape and watching moggy react. Most of them deliberately sat inside the shape. Something exactly to do with the sensation of being enclosed.

Those felt cat-houses are so popular! I nearly got one for mine but I was a bit worried about the opening....he's slightly 'rotund' and I didn't think he'd fit.

cameron-albany - 2021-06-19 18:11:00
urbanrefugee54 wrote:

is that like the 'giving a cat a pill' scenario

Reminds me of a joke I once saw. Vet hands over a small bottle of tablets "These are for Fluffy" . then hands over BIG bottle oft Tonic "And this is for you to take after have given Fluffy his tablets" Who else can relate to that ?.. me , me , me.... Mrs J.

Edited by joseph105 at 8:36 am, Wed 30 Jun

joseph105 - 2021-06-30 08:36:00

I do wish there was a simple smiley face & 'like' when you see some comments..

Edited by urbanrefugee54 at 10:46 am, Thu 1 Jul

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-07-01 10:46:00

I think I'd just make the opening quite a thick fabric or stitch, so they find it easier to nose their way in. Most house cats have pretty good blanket management skills, once they've found their way under.

2bit - 2021-07-03 22:12:00
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