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Extra length to jersey?


I have started my 1st knitting attempt and from a previous thread I was advised to add extra length to allow for growth. The pattern I am doing is measured by rows, not cms up to the start of the armhole. For a 4 year old, what length should I make the back up to this point before starting to decrease? Small child isn't available at the moment so I cant hold the knitting up against him! Thanks

pauline999 - 2021-05-15 10:23:00

Best to measure. I just checked records for the grandies and lengths ranged between 26-30cm.

nzmu - 2021-05-15 13:03:00

My sister casts on loosely for the bottom edge but does the pattern from there. Then she picks up those cast on stitches and knits down for the ribbing, so that if it has to be lengthened it can be undone, extra rows done, and the ribbing redone. Have to watch for matching patterns, and fading, but contrast stripes have worked too.

voyager4 - 2021-05-17 15:08:00
voyager4 wrote:

My sister casts on loosely for the bottom edge but does the pattern from there. Then she picks up those cast on stitches and knits down for the ribbing, so that if it has to be lengthened it can be undone, extra rows done, and the ribbing redone. Have to watch for matching patterns, and fading, but contrast stripes have worked too.

This is such a clever idea! I usually just knit an extra 4 - 6 cms as our grandies are tall kids.

kiwimade64 - 2021-05-18 07:32:00
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