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WhatsApp (Android), how to hide group chats?


(Another thing where my Googling skills have failed me)

Does anyone know how I can completely hide certain group chats from WhatsApp's main 'chats' screen without leaving those groups? (Android)

Have already muted / turned off notifications for a couple of groups and tried archiving them. But as soon as someone sends a message to either of those groups, the group becomes unarchived and pops right back up at the top on the main chats screen when ever I open WhatsApp.

Other chat apps that I regularly use have the ability to de-prioritize or "Ignore" chats (e.g Element / Matrix) and hides them until you actually open the "low priority" list. I'm picking WhatsApp has something similar?

cognition - 2021-05-10 21:07:00

Okay, so apparently there's a thing called "Vacation mode" or "Ignore archived chats" that will allegedly completely hide a given conversation from the main "Chats" screen, but for the life of me I can't locate this function any where on the App nor figure out how to activate it.

According to the screenshots on various sites, it should be under notification settings just below the 'Calls' section, but it ain't there for me at all. I have already checked that I have the latest available App (version from Google Play store. Surely, I thought this would have been a fundamental function to have?

Edited by cognition at 4:46 pm, Tue 11 May

cognition - 2021-05-11 16:34:00

Love to help but I've never used it and am not about to.

nice_lady - 2021-05-11 16:49:00

Fair enough. If it weren't for some friends getting shirty with me about resisting, I would shun all Facebook owned communication products entirely. (I despise Facebook's ongoing conduct as a company personally)

cognition - 2021-05-11 17:16:00

Well no one is perfect lol. But in this instance I'm just too lazy to bother installing it and figuring it out. Someone will come along who knows, more than likely, we're a knowledge bunch here.

Edited by nice_lady at 5:32 pm, Tue 11 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-11 17:20:00


cognition - 2021-05-12 13:17:00

Any way, have flicked a message off to their support desk and shall report back once I get a response and a workable solution.

(Surprised WhatsApp even has a user contactable support desk)

Edited by cognition at 1:26 pm, Wed 12 May

cognition - 2021-05-12 13:17:00

WhatsApp support has responded...

“Unfortunately, this feature isn't supported. We're constantly working on improving our products. To stay up to date with WhatsApp's current and future features, please visit our Help Center frequently.”

Welp... Will now proceed to “Exit“ those group conversations (and handle the social fall out later)

cognition - 2021-05-13 07:28:00
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