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Help PLS Cant remove/change desktop background pic


OK should be an easy one for you guys:
I Cant remove/change desktop background pic i dont know how but i somehow ended up "setting as desktop background" a picture from my pictures folder when i was looking at it ...

possible TMI but it is a nice pic of me and a previous GF that i do not want to "greet me" every time i turn my PC on.
my PC is running Windows 8.5? (the version of widows8 * that was such a stuff up that they provided a "patch " which took a day to install.
The offending pic appears as background if i open my PC on either IE or Google chrome

I have found the thumbnail pic of it under "settings" or something but no matter what i to it , eg un tick it or try all the other options it simply wont go away , I tried to add more alternative pictures in the thumb nail box but i cant do that either

as you can tell im no computer expert so those who are please assist me ( but PLEASE no jargon terms i simply wont understand ...simple step 1 step 2 instructions )

ignoramus1 - 2021-05-05 05:06:00

Find any pic in your computer. RIGHT click it one time then choose 'set as desktop background'.

nice_lady - 2021-05-05 05:30:00
nice_lady wrote:

Find any pic in your computer. RIGHT click it one time then choose 'set as desktop background'.

i think you misunderstand ? i am trying to remove a picture from my desktop background ,,,but you have been huge assistance to me previously so if you would again it would be appreciated

ignoramus1 - 2021-05-05 05:57:00
nice_lady wrote:

Find any pic in your computer. RIGHT click it one time then choose 'set as desktop background'.

AH got it thanks so when i did that it made the offending pic go away from my desktop back ground and was replaced with the one i chose as you said ....EXELLENT thanks Again !

ignoramus1 - 2021-05-05 06:10:00
ignoramus1 wrote:

i think you misunderstand ? i am trying to remove a picture from my desktop background ,,,but you have been huge assistance to me previously so if you would again it would be appreciated

See - I didn't misunderstand at all ! ????

nice_lady - 2021-05-05 07:02:00
nice_lady wrote:

See - I didn't misunderstand at all ! ????

No he did.

lythande1 - 2021-05-05 08:34:00
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