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Another soon to be former agent.


johnston - 2021-05-04 10:22:00

Can not read, as needs an account.

gpg58 - 2021-05-04 10:27:00
gpg58 wrote:

Can not read, as needs an account.

You can piece together the whole story from this and other sources.

johnston - 2021-05-04 10:51:00

So mistaken identity is an excuse?

jeffqv - 2021-05-04 12:26:00
jeffqv wrote:

So mistaken identity is an excuse?

Like selling the wrong house.

johnston - 2021-05-04 12:34:00
johnston wrote:

Like selling the wrong house.

To ya mate!

jeffqv - 2021-05-04 15:59:00
jeffqv wrote:

To ya mate!

Before your time Jeff but in the 1970s a disgruntled husband (the house was only in his name - the good old days) listed his house with his mate an agent for 2/3 of it's value who within a few hours sold the house to another mate of theirs who then rented the house back to the husband.

The wife had an equitable interest in the house.

Edited by johnston at 5:04 pm, Tue 4 May

johnston - 2021-05-04 17:02:00
jeffqv wrote:

So mistaken identity is an excuse?

Should now plead 'Guilty' as not disputing the assault. Identity of the victim not relevant (except to him).

amasser - 2021-05-05 09:42:00
johnston wrote:

Before your time Jeff but in the 1970s a disgruntled husband (the house was only in his name - the good old days) listed his house with his mate an agent for 2/3 of it's value who within a few hours sold the house to another mate of theirs who then rented the house back to the husband.

The wife had an equitable interest in the house.

Similar in the UK many moons ago, the husband left and told the wife to sell the E Type and send him 50%. She sold it for a pound (say $2), the buyer went to the Police station first to make sure it wasn't a hoax. He got what he asked for!

jeffqv - 2021-05-05 12:02:00
jeffqv wrote:

Similar in the UK many moons ago, the husband left and told the wife to sell the E Type and send him 50%. She sold it for a pound (say $2), the buyer went to the Police station first to make sure it wasn't a hoax. He got what he asked for!

Love it.

johnston - 2021-05-05 12:45:00
jeffqv wrote:

Similar in the UK many moons ago, the husband left and told the wife to sell the E Type and send him 50%. She sold it for a pound (say $2), the buyer went to the Police station first to make sure it wasn't a hoax. He got what he asked for!

Happened in HB a few moons ago. (40+)
Was a Volvo estate for about $10.
Most thought it was a toy car by the advert.
NO, just a disgruntled wife.
One happy buyer.

smallwoods - 2021-05-06 09:06:00

They're cute stories, but apocryphal.
See and

luteba - 2021-05-06 17:02:00

Your lawyer will advise not to undersell an asset in such divorce settlements. In such cases the seller will be liable to pay half the "real" value to their spouse.

carstauranga001 - 2021-05-07 19:53:00

Your lawyer will advise not to undersell an asset in such divorce settlements. In such cases the seller will be liable to pay half the "real" value to their spouse.

carstauranga001 - 2021-05-07 19:56:00
carstauranga001 wrote:

Your lawyer will advise not to undersell an asset in such divorce settlements. In such cases the seller will be liable to pay half the "real" value to their spouse.

That's essentially what happened in my case although it predated the PRA and the court ordered the transfer back to the husband.

johnston - 2021-05-07 20:38:00
johnston wrote:

That's essentially what happened in my case although it predated the PRA and the court ordered the transfer back to the husband.

My case. Was it you?

zak21 - 2021-05-08 08:46:00
zak21 wrote:

My case. Was it you?

No, the case I cited earlier. An actual case not an urban myth.

Edited by johnston at 10:55 am, Sat 8 May

johnston - 2021-05-08 10:55:00
luteba wrote:

They're cute stories, but apocryphal.
See and

The stories from the links seem dubious. The husband dies and the wife sells a Rolls Royce for a song? I don’t think so. He would need to be alive for the story to have merit.

committed - 2021-05-08 12:00:00
committed wrote:

The stories from the links seem dubious. The husband dies and the wife sells a Rolls Royce for a song? I don’t think so. He would need to be alive for the story to have merit.

You missed the point of why the wife was meant to have sold it for a song: his will requires the proceeds of the sale to go to his mistress.

Edited by luteba at 1:26 pm, Sat 8 May

luteba - 2021-05-08 13:25:00
luteba wrote:

You missed the point of why the wife was meant to have sold it for a song: his will requires the proceeds of the sale to go to his mistress.

I did see that but it didn’t pass the sniff test.

committed - 2021-05-09 09:07:00
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