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Partner emails


What's with these websites sending these now? I might have signed up for junk mail from Warehouse Stationery for instance but how does that give them the right to send me junk mail related to some other store. Grrrrr.

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 09:33:00

They are in business to make profits and selling your data to other businesses makes profit.
They are illegitimati, though!

amasser - 2021-05-02 09:57:00

Yeah but I thought it was illegal to send unsolicited junk mail in this country.

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 10:48:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-05-02 10:56:00

It's illegal in NZ to send unsolicited junk
emails. I've contacted them to ask WTF .

kittycatkin wrote:

If unsolicited things arrive, it's usually possible to unsubscribe

NOT recommended. Generally you're then just confirming you are indeed a 'live' Addy and setting yourself up as a target for a LOT more junk mail.

We'll see what they say. There'll probably something in their T&C's that means I've signed up to sell my soul to the devil on their behalf or similar.

Edited by nice_lady at 11:06 am, Sun 2 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 11:01:00
nice_lady wrote:

What's with these websites sending these now? I might have signed up for junk mail from Warehouse Stationery for instance but how does that give them the right to send me junk mail related to some other store. Grrrrr.

How did they manage that without your having provided your email to them?

tegretol - 2021-05-02 11:57:00

You need to read the quote you posted.

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 11:58:00

The member deleted this message.

kittycatkin - 2021-05-02 12:19:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-05-02 12:21:00

Mmmmm..... Spam is not necessarily 'Phishing' at all. Anyway I'm very well aware of how to deal with most things in regard to computers and the internet. My issue with this is the sudden appearance of 'Partner' emails. None of which I have knowingly signed up for. I See this as a potentially 'slippery slope' instigating a possible avalanche of what are essentially unsolicited emails from whomever the original businesses I've signed up to receive emails from feels like sending.

And yeah TWL/WHS are indeed the guilty party.

Edited by nice_lady at 12:27 pm, Sun 2 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 12:25:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-05-02 12:25:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-05-02 12:29:00

You're not getting my point.
I'm perfectly aware of how to deal with unwanted emails but it's ILLEGAL in NZ to send unsolicited junk emails.

And it's p*ssing me off that this mail has started to appear. So I've sent them a 'Please Explain'.

Edited by nice_lady at 12:37 pm, Sun 2 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 12:36:00
nice_lady wrote:

You're not getting my point.
I'm perfectly aware of how to deal with unwanted emails but it's ILLEGAL in NZ to send unsolicited junk emails.

And it's p*ssing me off that this mail has started to appear. So I've sent them a 'Please Explain'.

Clearly it's a legitimate email campaign, just use the unsubscribe link provided, it's there for a reason. You're logic about not using unsubscribe links is correct when the origin is unknown or dodgy, but with these it is not the case ...

How you ended up on it in the first place is unknown but I think it is reasonably safe to say a company like The Warehouse is not going to be stooping to spammer levels... They will have their boxes ticked...

Edited by king1 at 1:02 pm, Sun 2 May

king1 - 2021-05-02 12:59:00

Yes I imagine they will. But I'm still wanting to know exactly WHAT box I ticked that enabled them to force feed me
junk mail. As I've said it wouldn't surprise me if I've asked them to sell my soul to the devil sometime ago when I've agreed to their T&C's, but I want to see it in writing.

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 13:08:00

it's in there privacy policy
section 3 gives them the 'right' to collect mailing list info from 3rd parties
section 5 lists the businesses in the group...

king1 - 2021-05-02 13:15:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yes I imagine they will. But I'm still wanting to know exactly WHAT box I ticked that enabled them to force feed me
junk mail. As I've said it wouldn't surprise me if I've asked them to sell my soul to the devil sometime ago when I've agreed to their T&C's, but I want to see it in writing.

you'll probably just get a standard form letter reply...

king1 - 2021-05-02 13:16:00

Yeah I knew it would be in there somewhere. The thing is, when I signed up for the junk mails some years ago 'The Market' didn't exist. Of course they will have had some statement allowing them to include their newly acquired or created businesses. I'm just kicking it back at them out of frustration at that kind of legal bullsh*t that enables such. If they acquire a new business good on them but they should ASK if people want junk mail related to that. As it is, not that it'll matter to them in the big scheme of things, but they have more lost me entirely as a subscriber to any and all of their junk mail.

Edited by nice_lady at 1:47 pm, Sun 2 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 13:47:00
nice_lady wrote:

It's illegal in NZ to send unsolicited junk
emails. I've contacted them to ask WTF .

NOT recommended. Generally you're then just confirming you are indeed a 'live' Addy and setting yourself up as a target for a LOT more junk mail.

We'll see what they say. There'll probably something in their T&C's that means I've signed up to sell my soul to the devil on their behalf or similar.

if your using gmail, gmail often gives you the unsubcribe option, and in my experience it always works.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-05-02 19:07:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

if your using gmail, gmail often gives you the unsubcribe option, and in my experience it always works.

That'll work if it's a legit email. Not recommended for some tho. And it's not Gmail which gives you that option. It's the mail sender. And it's not always a legit option.

nice_lady - 2021-05-02 19:27:00
nice_lady wrote:'-
s ILLEGAL in NZ to send unsolicited junk emails..

I think you've been reading too many opinion pieces. There is NO legislation that makes the sending of unsolicited emails a crime.

If it pisses you that much then don't give your email address to anyone and certainly don't provide consent to have spam sent to you.

tegretol - 2021-05-02 22:12:00
tegretol wrote:

I think you've been reading too many opinion pieces. There is NO legislation that makes the sending of unsolicited emails a crime.

king1 - 2021-05-02 22:41:00

When I bought a car, I soon started to receive letters from some company selling something. In those days a company could get 1000 names and addresses from the LTSA for $23. I managed to get my details off their damn database.

trade4us2 - 2021-05-02 23:11:00
king1 wrote:


nice_lady - 2021-05-03 05:56:00
tegretol wrote:

I think you've been reading too many opinion pieces. There is NO legislation that makes the sending of unsolicited emails a crime.

If it pisses you that much then don't give your email address to anyone and certainly don't provide consent to have spam sent to you.

See, you were wrong. I knew very well there's legislation to do with these situations. And I hadn't been reading 'opinion pieces' to get that either.

And I don't get pissed off by all spam mail. I do receive a reasonable amount of it as does anyone. Overseas originated you can't do anything but block it. I've signed up for spam mail here, (lol), by agreeing to receive junk mail from various businesses BUT I don't expect them to flood me with junk mail which is irrelevant to my interests just because they've expanded their business with another division. Such as in this case TWL starting up The Market. I don't mind TWL and WHS mail but I didn't sign up for 'partner' mails. And I don't want them. To me that's unsolicited.

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 06:20:00

They phrase it as a service to subscribers - hence calling these sites 'partners', and in some cases you can refuse that service without unsubscribing, but usually you have to do it early in the piece. Still, if you do get cross enough to unsubscribe, some sites let you say why, and that feedback may be a way to express yourself, lol.

oh_hunnihunni - 2021-05-03 06:50:00

I did. ????

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 08:09:00
king1 wrote:

Sure but these are not unsolicited as the OP has given consent "I might have signed up for junk mail from Warehouse Stationery for instance".

Just can't see why the OP is complaining when they obviously signed something without reading it.

tegretol - 2021-05-03 10:16:00
nice_lady wrote:

..... I've signed up for spam mail here, (lol), by agreeing to receive junk mail from various businesses BUT I don't expect them to flood me with junk mail which is irrelevant to my interests.........

?Uh - can't have it both ways!

tegretol - 2021-05-03 10:18:00
tegretol wrote:

Sure but these are not unsolicited as the OP has given consent "I might have signed up for junk mail from Warehouse Stationery for instance".

Just can't see why the OP is complaining when they obviously signed something without reading it.

nice dodge...

king1 - 2021-05-03 10:19:00

You having trouble reading?

" I don't expect them to flood me with junk mail which is irrelevant to my interests just because they've expanded their business with another division. Such as in this case TWL starting up The Market. I don't mind TWL and WHS mail but I didn't sign up for 'partner' mails. And I don't want them. To me that's unsolicited."

Edited by nice_lady at 10:21 am, Mon 3 May

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 10:20:00
nice_lady wrote:

You having trouble reading?....

Now you're trolling. You signed to agree to receive unsolicited emails yet now you are complaining that this is happening..... I call that trolling.

tegretol - 2021-05-03 10:25:00

I didn't sign to receive Unsolicited emails. Doh !

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 10:28:00

"Just can't see why the OP is complaining when they obviously signed something without reading it."

Yeah. So. Tell me. When you agree to receive promotional emails do YOU go and read ten pages of T&C's ? I doubt whether any normal person does.

Anyway I'm over YOUR trolling.
You've read what I wrote, you can see my viewpoint and irrespective of whatever you say I won't be modifying it.

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 10:33:00

similar thing happens with cookies, by accepting one you could unknowingly be accepting for other websites. ever tried ordering dominoes pizza? they have like 10 un-tick boxes after you order asking if you want promotional material from other 3rd parties.

selvath - 2021-05-03 10:43:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yeah. So. Tell me. When you agree to receive promotional emails do YOU go and read ten pages of T&C's

No because I'm not dumb enough to sign an agreement to receive spam!

tegretol - 2021-05-03 10:46:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yeah. So. Tell me. When you agree to receive promotional emails do YOU go and read ten pages of T&C's ? I doubt whether any normal person does.

interestingly when i looked at WS mailing list sign up it didn't show any link to, or Terms and conditions - I guess they are relying on the 'your use of the website constitutes acceptance of our T&Cs/privacy etc etc' - basically they're hiding the details... It's probably not illegal as such, but dodgy as F..k IMO
I got the crap from Torpedo 7 when I bought something from Noel Leemings, I just unsubscribed from everything of theirs...

king1 - 2021-05-03 10:59:00
tegretol wrote:

No because I'm not dumb enough to sign an agreement to receive spam!

No one signs up for Spam on legitimate websites - they sign up for newsletters, and mailers...

Edited by king1 at 11:03 am, Mon 3 May

king1 - 2021-05-03 11:02:00
king1 wrote:

No one signs up for Spam on legitimate websites - they sign up for newsletters, and mailers...

What's the difference?

tegretol - 2021-05-03 11:24:00
tegretol wrote:

What's the difference?


Newsletters/mailing lists are informative and usually of interest to those who sign up voluntarily. Spam is unsolicited, usually for meds and offers of quick money, extortion attempts etc

It does NOT help contain a global spam problem when folks mark mailing lists they have signed up for as spam. I'm quite sure it makes the job of the spam filters infinitely harder. If a mailing list you signed up for (or agreed to in the usual flakey way that websites work), then just unsubscribe...

Edited by king1 at 12:33 pm, Mon 3 May

king1 - 2021-05-03 12:29:00

Thank you for bringing some sense to this king1????

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 12:38:00
nice_lady wrote:

That'll work if it's a legit email. Not recommended for some tho. And it's not Gmail which gives you that option. It's the mail sender. And it's not always a legit option.

But go on, do tell me, you sufferer of spam, how to deal with the problem I don't have.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-05-03 21:21:00


Firstly If suggest you begin by actually reading some of the info in the links you posted.

For instance:


The most common method you'll see everywhere is to provide an unsubscribe link directly within the email content, usually hidden away at the bottom of the email

Gmail seems to handle some of these links, specifically when the link contains the word "Unsubscribe".

You're also still required to actually visit the link in most cases we tried, which limits it's usefulness somewhat"

Happy now ?

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 21:30:00

Again thats not my experience, just click the unsubscrine next to the senders address, and they stop. No further action required on my part. I was happy throughout.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-05-03 21:37:00

And I don't 'suffer from spam' read the bloody thread. Doh.

nice_lady - 2021-05-03 22:10:00

Couple of years ago my partner showed me all these emails newsletters from fashion companies she hadn't subscribed to and I got worked up, investigated and found that were owned by the same umbrella as Ezibuy. I'm talking Rockmans, Autograph, W.Lane, BeMe and others.

I got hold of Ezibuy on Facebook and they replied "sincerest apologies. These were sent in error. We are happy to remove your partner from the mailing list, please confirm her email address". And I replied explaining that due to privacy issues I wouldn't provide her email address, rather I wanted the erroneous exchange of data reversed so that all of the affected users were fixed. They stopped talking to me.

So I made a formal complaint to the Privacy Commissioner, and got told I was complaining to the wrong department, and they doubted I'd get anywhere. I gave up.

gyrogearloose - 2021-05-04 07:28:00

Yeh. Too hard for them?

nice_lady - 2021-05-04 07:52:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

Couple of years ago my partner showed me all these emails newsletters from fashion companies she hadn't subscribed to and I got worked up, investigated and found that were owned by the same umbrella as Ezibuy. I'm talking Rockmans, Autograph, W.Lane, BeMe and others.

I got hold of Ezibuy on Facebook and they replied "sincerest apologies. These were sent in error. We are happy to remove your partner from the mailing list, please confirm her email address". And I replied explaining that due to privacy issues I wouldn't provide her email address, rather I wanted the erroneous exchange of data reversed so that all of the affected users were fixed. They stopped talking to me.

So I made a formal complaint to the Privacy Commissioner, and got told I was complaining to the wrong department, and they doubted I'd get anywhere. I gave up.

I had these too. I complained to Ezibuy and unsubscribed from them all individually - but have recently started receiving some of them again. I find this annoying at best and intrusive of my privacy at worst.

It looks like Internal Affairs is the right complaint route, FYI.

blands70 - 2021-05-05 15:48:00
blands70 wrote:

I had these too. I complained to Ezibuy and unsubscribed from them all individually - but have recently started receiving some of them again. I find this annoying at best and intrusive of my privacy at worst.

It looks like Internal Affairs is the right complaint route, FYI.

Depends how much spare time you have really. I assume that you know how to define the spam filters in your email progam?

tegretol - 2021-05-05 17:52:00
tegretol wrote:

Depends how much spare time you have really. I assume that you know how to define the spam filters in your email progam?

Yes but that’s not really the point. Companies should not be sending unsolicited mail especially if you’ve asked them not to.

blands70 - 2021-05-07 17:46:00
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