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The Renters TV1


If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

vomo2 - 2021-05-01 22:06:00

Because that would make a very boring tv programme

chiz - 2021-05-02 07:10:00

Does anyone watch it?

masturbidder - 2021-05-02 09:19:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

Quite often they say in the intro that they are taking over the property who was managed by the landlord who has lost control, or not having been doing them and now they are trying to fix up the mess. I guess also with new tenants (or a new flatmate moves in) or students etc, you can make a pretty good mess in 3 months. Its on TV2 btw.

mikek - 2021-05-02 10:36:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

Very pertinent question. Most (sensible) people protect their assets. Suspect that bad tenants do damage from spite when about to be evicted and personal responsibility isn't a common character trait nowadays.

amasser - 2021-05-02 10:49:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

Damage can be done in one day, one out of control party. We did housing rental maintenance and what you see on the program is exactly what can happen in 3 months or less. Melted stereos, power hooked up to neighbours, poo all over the bathroom and up the corridor, dead puppies in a shed, rats and mice, belongings strewn from one end of the house to the other and outside and thats only a snippet. Most upsetting part is the childrens clothes and toys left behind. All these places had regular 3 month checks.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-05-02 10:51:00
mikek wrote:

Quite often they say in the intro that they are taking over the property who was managed by the landlord who has lost control, or not having been doing them and now they are trying to fix up the mess. I guess also with new tenants (or a new flatmate moves in) or students etc, you can make a pretty good mess in 3 months. Its on TV2 btw.

In which case, shouldn't they be inspecting monthly for the first (say) 6 months until they have the measure of the "difficult tenants"?

sparkychap - 2021-05-02 11:06:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

Awful lot of rubbish can accumulate in 3 mths if the tenants goes off the rails.

bernie184 - 2021-05-02 11:48:00
sparkychap wrote:

In which case, shouldn't they be inspecting monthly for the first (say) 6 months until they have the measure of the "difficult tenants"?

it is the landlords house but the tenants home, I doubt anyone would like an inspection each month rather an intrusion I would think, landlords need to remember that not everyone lives like them, our tennat leaves things on the
windoe ledge n%o problem but it annoys me as I dont like it, sadly the programme only shows bad tenants for evry bad one there must be dozens of good ones. I think the programme is not helping with the socail divide
but a few self manangers could learn from it

catbrat - 2021-05-02 16:51:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

Stop cleaning, doing the dishes, taking out rubbish, and mowing the lawns and see what your house looks like in three months.

curlcrown - 2021-05-18 09:28:00
vomo2 wrote:

If the property agents are doing regular 3 monthly inspections how is it the rental properties end up in such disgusting states?

While not usual, can happen I guess. Property manager silently puts his/her own relations in there who were high and trashed the place in a few short months. Happened to one of my mates who owned a property in a disadvantaged area and didn't keep tabs.

Anyway, IMO Renters is a TV programme that has obviously been produced to show the most extreme examples for entertainment value to get as many eye balls in front of screens and get TVNZ more ad revenue and would hope that most people understand that this is not representative of the average tenant.

Edited by cognition at 2:39 pm, Tue 18 May

cognition - 2021-05-18 14:37:00
cognition wrote:

While not usual, can happen I guess. Property manager silently puts his/her own relations in there who were high and trashed the place in a few short months. Happened to one of my mates who owned a property in a disadvantaged area and didn't keep tabs.

Anyway, IMO Renters is a TV programme that has obviously been produced to show the most extreme examples for entertainment value to get as many eye balls in front of screens and get TVNZ more ad revenue and would hope that most people understand that this is not representative of the average tenant.

I hope that most people understand that this is not representative of the normal property manager./quote]

captaingraham - 2021-05-18 16:20:00

Bad decision was made upon choosing the tenant. - 2021-05-18 16:43:00

And from personal experience in chch some property managers are as delightful as some of the tenants featured on the show.

kay34 - 2021-05-19 18:40:00

Renters is just voyeuristic property porn designed to frame renters as second class citizens and support the view that landlords are providing a social service and all renters should be glad of getting a roof over their heads.

sparkychap - 2021-05-19 19:21:00
sparkychap wrote:

Renters is just voyeuristic property porn designed to frame renters as second class citizens and support the view that landlords are providing a social service and all renters should be glad of getting a roof over their heads.

Really? I thought it was to show off that property managers shoe collection lol

upfront1 - 2021-05-23 13:59:00

You wouldn't want to hire any of the property managers featured in the show after see the type of tenants they get in.

cessna3 - 2021-05-31 22:44:00
sparkychap wrote:

Renters is just voyeuristic property porn designed to frame renters as second class citizens and support the view that landlords are providing a social service and all renters should be glad of getting a roof over their heads.

Amen, testify..

luteba - 2021-06-01 07:58:00

What it shows is lazy disgusting slobs who don’t care one bit about anything. Who would want to be a residential landlord?

pcle - 2021-06-01 08:24:00

They should be doing Inspections more often to make sure Properties arent been Wrecked. Got Blame The Property Managers in some ways.

ferrit47 - 2021-06-01 11:15:00

Maybe new tenants should have a property inspection daily to ensure they are not wrecking the place?

tygertung - 2021-06-01 12:08:00

The "success" of this type of reality tv relies on the partitpates being rogue, different, have a sob story etc.
The Apprentice / Trapped on a desert island type program relies on some of the people being jumped up / arrogant / nobodies who at a drop of a hat will throw out their toys!!

onl_148 - 2021-06-01 13:12:00

Pru ( ? ) from Christchurch rental agency is a good enough reason to watch !

807 - 2021-06-01 14:04:00
tygertung wrote:

Maybe new tenants should have a property inspection daily to ensure they are not wrecking the place?

Are you serious, daily inspections

korban - 2021-06-01 14:10:00

I watch Renters to see those ladies from the Good Girls as they are so entertaining!!!!!!

megan109 - 2021-06-01 14:30:00

I like the lady with the red hair and the colourful outfits, she cracks me up. I'd say she'd have been a real stunner in her day.

hound31 - 2021-06-01 15:12:00

Who in their right mind would hire the Good Girls as their PM ?

I stay well clear of companies with a self accolade in their business name, respect has to be earned. Imagine the 6 inch stiletto heels on your lino from Pru, their presentation is wrong on so many levels. The whole staff are dressed in an unprofessional manner. No wonder they have plenty of problems. If I was a tenant I wouldn't take them seriously, I would think is this krusty the clowns great aunty coming along with respect to Pru.

houseofdad - 2021-06-01 16:12:00
korban wrote:

Are you serious, daily inspections

No, way OTT.

tygertung - 2021-06-01 16:13:00

The member deleted this message.

gunna-1 - 2021-06-01 16:19:00
houseofdad wrote:

Who in their right mind would hire the Good Girls as their PM ?

I stay well clear of companies with a self accolade in their business name, respect has to be earned. Imagine the 6 inch stiletto heels on your lino from Pru, their presentation is wrong on so many levels. The whole staff are dressed in an unprofessional manner. No wonder they have plenty of problems. If I was a tenant I wouldn't take them seriously, I would think is this krusty the clowns great aunty coming along with respect to Pru.

Not much respect to Prue in your post. Would you prefer a nice tweed skirt, twinset and pearls? i don't think you'd put much over that lady, she strikes me as being pretty sharp. You do realise the mess tenants can make in a short period, and that these reality shows have a lot of stuff condensed into half an hour?

Edited by hound31 at 8:00 pm, Tue 1 Jun

hound31 - 2021-06-01 19:58:00
gunna-1 wrote:

I got no idea what this is about but 6 inch stiletto heals is fine dress for a woman in my book.

guessing your book is Penthouse.

sparkychap - 2021-06-01 20:12:00
hound31 wrote:

Not much respect to Prue in your post. Would you prefer a nice tweed skirt, twinset and pearls? i don't think you'd put much over that lady, she strikes me as being pretty sharp. You do realise the mess tenants can make in a short period, and that these reality shows have a lot of stuff condensed into half an hour?

prue is straight up and says it like it is very refreshing.

gabbysnana - 2021-06-01 21:44:00

The member deleted this message.

gunna-1 - 2021-06-02 07:17:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Even that isnt to great anymore, some heals and any dress from the opshop will improve any woman by a mile.

What a pity that many males of the species aren't as fussy over their dress sense as what they expect their ladies to be.

kacy5 - 2021-06-02 13:31:00
hound31 wrote:

Not much respect to Prue in your post. Would you prefer a nice tweed skirt, twinset and pearls? i don't think you'd put much over that lady, she strikes me as being pretty sharp. You do realise the mess tenants can make in a short period, and that these reality shows have a lot of stuff condensed into half an hour?

I don't have to automatically respect Pru she has to earn that. Least I have enough respect to spell her name correct.
Again her dress sense is just wrong for her role as a property manager.
If she was that sharp she would not dress that way because it no doubt makes her job harder. The police etc don't dress like clowns for a reason.

Edited by houseofdad at 4:18 pm, Wed 2 Jun

houseofdad - 2021-06-02 16:14:00
gabbysnana wrote:

prue is straight up and says it like it is very refreshing.

Disagree, her words can be unprofessional, sends the wrong signal to tenants.

houseofdad - 2021-06-02 16:19:00
houseofdad wrote:

Disagree, her words can be unprofessional, sends the wrong signal to tenants.

I agree, Pru apparently hates pubes (spelling???) Yet they're mentioned almost every episode

kay34 - 2021-06-02 19:26:00
korban wrote:

Are you serious, daily inspections

CCTV in every room would be far more effective!

webworth - 2021-06-03 03:31:00
kay34 wrote:

I agree, Pru apparently hates pubes (spelling???) Yet they're mentioned almost every episode


houseofdad - 2021-06-04 08:30:00
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