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Damp rental housing


Hmmmm somethings not stacking up here.....

How long has this landlord owned this house hmmm? ????

That shower looks positively’inviting’....

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 07:58:00

What's not "stacking up here"?

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 08:18:00

His ‘maintenance’ for a start?

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 08:26:00

Nothing wrong with that. Cheap and a rite of passage for Wellington Students. Scarifies would be proud of that.

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 08:31:00
sparkychap wrote:

Nothing wrong with that. Cheap and a rite of passage for Wellington Students. Scarifies would be proud of that.

well clearly it’s not is it? Look at how much he’s about a rort.

How long has the guy owned the place? Since before some of those students were born?

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 08:40:00

So this guy is getting $65,520 a year in rent.....and the place looks like that.

This is EVERYTHING a that is so wrong in this country.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 08:47:00
lakeview3 wrote:

So this guy is getting $65,520 a year in rent.....and the place looks like that.

This is EVERYTHING a that is so wrong in this country.

Well he'll need to put something aside for his retirement so he doesn't have to drink gravy from a straw with you.

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 08:49:00

Well it looks like a while since the shower has had a scrub down.

sunnysue1 - 2021-04-27 09:03:00

I lived in worse when I was a student. I had to roll up a rug and put it in the gap where the wall was separating from the floor in one place. But it was cheap, which was the most important aspect.

apollo11 - 2021-04-27 09:12:00
sparkychap wrote:

Well he'll need to put something aside for his retirement so he doesn't have to drink gravy from a straw with you.

You can only eat quality gravy through a straw. Cheap stuff has lumps.

apollo11 - 2021-04-27 09:13:00
sparkychap wrote:

Well he'll need to put something aside for his retirement so he doesn't have to drink gravy from a straw with you.

how about you cut to the chase for once and actually discuss the topic at hand instead of derailing the thread in order to deflect from the facts here.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:18:00
sunnysue1 wrote:

Well it looks like a while since the shower has had a scrub down.

how well do you expect people to scrub down a painted shower?

That shower head alone is a clue as to how much work has ever been done to upgrade that shower.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:19:00
apollo11 wrote:

I lived in worse when I was a student. I had to roll up a rug and put it in the gap where the wall was separating from the floor in one place. But it was cheap, which was the most important aspect.

so what? This ISNT a cheap is it?

How many years ago did this guy pay that house off? What those kids are paying is daylight robbery. Worse still is those are the very people who are supposed to be supporting all us oldies in retirement later on. Who could blame them for losing hope?

They may as well stay gaming in their parents basement because at least in that world they actually have a chance of winning if they are any good.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:22:00

If it's so bad and expensive, why did they rent it?

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 09:26:00

how do people raise kids so ill equipped for the harsh real world? and are they unable to operate a trigger bottle of exit mould? or a screw driver to remove that loft bed?
and so stupid for signing up to that.

heather902 - 2021-04-27 09:28:00
sparkychap wrote:

If it's so bad and expensive, why did they rent it?

because they have no other options?

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:33:00
heather902 wrote:

how do people raise kids so ill equipped for the harsh real world? and are they unable to operate a trigger bottle of exit mould? or a screw driver to remove that loft bed?
and so stupid for signing up to that.

oh for goodness sake heather. A bottle of exit mould isn’t going to help that shower

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:34:00
lakeview3 wrote:

oh for goodness sake heather. A bottle of exit mould isn’t going to help that shower

So? its a crappy shower.... they rented it.

heather902 - 2021-04-27 09:35:00
lakeview3 wrote:

because they have no other options?

There are always options. How long have they been there? Have they issues 14 day notices, or just started bleating to the meejah. Anyways, I thought you didn't trust the mainstream media....

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 09:36:00
sparkychap wrote:

There are always options. How long have they been there? Have they issues 14 day notices, or just started bleating to the meejah. Anyways, I thought you didn't trust the mainstream media....

how long has the landlord owned the house sparkychap?

How can he justify charging that money for a run down dump he has clearly not maintained or improved?

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:48:00

I hope

Starts exposing more cases like this. Let’s just get to the bottom of this appalling housing situation this country really is in and WHY it is like that shall we?

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 09:49:00

Absolutely - stuff needs to expose why people rent a property and them bleat to the media about it instead of using 14 day notices and the Tenancy Tribunal.

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 09:57:00
lakeview3 wrote:

how long has the landlord owned the house sparkychap?

How can he justify charging that money for a run down dump he has clearly not maintained or improved?

I think you just have to accept there are people out there that don't share the same values, that are quite happy in them self to take money from the naïve and vulnerable.
Teach your kids to be street smart and aware is about all you can do. because you can't change the world by bleating on a message board.

heather902 - 2021-04-27 10:01:00
lakeview3 wrote:

So this guy is getting $65,520 a year in rent.....and the place looks like that.

This is EVERYTHING a that is so wrong in this country.

And now because of this commie labour government he can't even boot them out with a 90 day notice for being uppity tenants. He has to have a genuine reason! Outrageous!

kestrel43 - 2021-04-27 10:03:00

"He had installed the loft bed at a tenant’s request, as a way to create space in what was a smaller room."

Installed? This landlord is really taking the piss. And only $210 a week!!

kestrel43 - 2021-04-27 10:10:00
kestrel43 wrote:

"He had installed the loft bed at a tenant’s request, as a way to create space in what was a smaller room."

Installed? This landlord is really taking the piss. And only $210 a week!!

That's cheap for Newtown.

artemis - 2021-04-27 10:25:00

Interesting the tenants think that not finding a flat mate for the spare room means they can pay less rent... while the place is obviously a dive, they don’t sound like they are doing everything they should be either. If the landlord had any sense he’d agree with them the place was sub par and give them notice, give the place a full renovation and get better rent and easier to deal with tenants.

rowlf - 2021-04-27 10:34:00

If they thought it was only $ 210 per room and not $ 1260 for the whole house, why had they been trying to rent the sixth bedroom?

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 10:36:00

Maybe they could ask the generous and ethical landlord to "install" a bed in the shower, that would bring the rent down to $180 per room.

kestrel43 - 2021-04-27 10:56:00

We will never know the truth of the story because the media only shows what they want to make the "story" and will never let the truth get in the way of that. It's very much a "he said" v. "she said" as the story is at least honest enough to mention.
Wellington is a damp place. Everyone there has to deal with that. If the house is more damp than the surrounding air, why?
Is there water coming in from elsewhere that the landlord should look at, or is it that the tenants never open any windows?
If there was no mould and now there is, why haven't the tenants cleaned it. It's a common thing to see pictures in the media of mould that's been growing for months and is somehow the landlord's fault that no one has bothered to clean the house. Then when the tenant moves out it needs a full reno that costs thousands. It happens. Too often.
Have the tenants sought help from tenancy services? If there is a landlord issue then they needed to give him a 14 day notice and go to the tribunal if necessary. All we were told in the article is that the landlord has issued them with a 14-day rent arrears notice. The tenants seem to think that they are paying per room, but the agreement would be very clear whether that's the case or not. Instead of bleating to the media, maybe they should learn their rights and obligations and take appropriate actions. As tenants, they should know how to find out what they need to know.
LV assumes that the landlord is rolling in money and will have paid the house off. All without actually knowing anything about him. Maybe he has just bought it and has mortgaged himself to to the hilt to get onto the property ladder. Maybe he has spent weeks/months working 80 hours a week to do this. Or maybe he hasn't done all he could/should. Or maybe he's had "enough" of delinquent tenants but the house is so old that that's all he can get from it until it's time to tear it down and build a new one, that likely won't be available to that number of people - thus compounding the shortage issue. You don't know and it's irrelevant.
The rent looks about what I'd expect in an area where property is expensive with high rates.
The bottom line is that the article does not give enough information to know what's really going on and is what we have learned to expect from media that just want to make an impact instead of giving their readers meaningful information. And some people seem to fall for it hook line and sinker.

raewyn2 - 2021-04-27 10:58:00

Suddenly tenants have become renters.

owen106 - 2021-04-27 11:17:00

Funny how one of the tenants trying to assign her room at the house didn’t mention anything about this in her advert....

sparkychap - 2021-04-27 11:23:00

Looking at the photos with the article, they have three single garages. There's three EXTRA rooms to rent out. Those students just need to think outside the box.

thumbs647 - 2021-04-27 12:18:00
thumbs647 wrote:

Looking at the photos with the article, they have three single garages. There's three EXTRA rooms to rent out. Those students just need to think outside the box.

No, the landlord has already rented those out as 1 bed room luxury apartments at 'market rent' of $350/week after installing a bucket in each of them.

kestrel43 - 2021-04-27 12:36:00
raewyn2 wrote:

We will never know the truth of the story because the media only shows what they want to make the "story" and will never let the truth get in the way of that. It's very much a "he said" v. "she said" as the story is at least honest enough to mention.
Wellington is a damp place. Everyone there has to deal with that. If the house is more damp than the surrounding air, why?
Is there water coming in from elsewhere that the landlord should look at, or is it that the tenants never open any windows?
If there was no mould and now there is, why haven't the tenants cleaned it. It's a common thing to see pictures in the media of mould that's been growing for months and is somehow the landlord's fault that no one has bothered to clean the house. Then when the tenant moves out it needs a full reno that costs thousands. It happens. Too often.
Have the tenants sought help from tenancy services? If there is a landlord issue then they needed to give him a 14 day notice and go to the tribunal if necessary. All we were told in the article is that the landlord has issued them with a 14-day rent arrears notice. The tenants seem to think that they are paying per room, but the agreement would be very clear whether that's the case or not. Instead of bleating to the media, maybe they should learn their rights and obligations and take appropriate actions. As tenants, they should know how to find out what they need to know.
LV assumes that the landlord is rolling in money and will have paid the house off. All without actually knowing anything about him. Maybe he has just bought it and has mortgaged himself to to the hilt to get onto the property ladder. Maybe he has spent weeks/months working 80 hours a week to do this. Or maybe he hasn't done all he could/should. Or maybe he's had "enough" of delinquent tenants but the house is so old that that's all he can get from it until it's time to tear it down and build a new one, that likely won't be available to that number of people - thus compounding the shortage issue. You don't know and it's irrelevant.
The rent looks about what I'd expect in an area where property is expensive with high rates.
The bottom line is that the article does not give enough information to know what's really going on and is what we have learned to expect from media that just want to make an impact instead of giving their readers meaningful information. And some people seem to fall for it hook line and sinker.

yes let’s have some meaningful information, like how long the guy has owned the place. Then we can put this situation in perspective. The information can’t be that hard to find. Maybe the media could do better and start giving us some proper figures so we can all see just how much some renters/tenants really are being ripped off.

From what I can see this place last sold in 1999. Now use your imagination to work it all out. $3900 a year in rates.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 16:05:00
lakeview3 wrote:

yes let’s have some meaningful information, like how long the guy has owned the place. Then we can put this situation in perspective. The information can’t be that hard to find. Maybe the media could do better and start giving us some proper figures so we can all see just how much some renters/tenants really are being ripped off.

From what I can see this place last sold in 1999. Now use your imagination to work it all out. $3900 a year in rates.

Its none of your business.

heather902 - 2021-04-27 16:21:00
heather902 wrote:

Its none of your business.

it’s all our business actually. When we are expecting young people to be the next taxpayers of the future and we are allowing them to be ripped off like this, it’s very much our business. if you don’t want to be surprised by or complain about the crime waves and homelessness then this very much IS our business. If we think it’s OK to allow people to be exploited and still have to contribute to the pension of people who are asset and income rich because of their good fortune to be born before everyone else then it really IS our business, as a community.

However if you are all for this kind of thing, then don’t kick up a stink when the govt comes for your assets and income in retirement, because we will all know who to squarely lay the blame at for that won’t we.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 16:28:00
lakeview3 wrote:

it’s all our business actually. When we are expecting young people to be the next taxpayers of the future and we are allowing them to be ripped off like this, it’s very much our business. if you don’t want to be surprised by or complain about the crime waves and homelessness then this very much IS our business. If we think it’s OK to allow people to be exploited and still have to contribute to the pension of people who are asset and income rich because of their good fortune to be born before everyone else then it really IS our business, as a community.

However if you are all for this kind of thing, then don’t kick up a stink when the govt comes for your assets and income in retirement, because we will all know who to squarely lay the blame at for that won’t we.

No, its still none of your business. Other posters have said that's about market rent. And I tend to think it is as its what my daughter paid in central Auckland for a fairly old house fairly cold. She's working, studying and still seems to have plenty of money, what am I supposed to be getting all worked up about?

heather902 - 2021-04-27 16:33:00
heather902 wrote:

No, its still none of your business. Other posters have said that's about market rent. And I tend to think it is as its what my daughter paid in central Auckland for a fairly old house fairly cold. She's working, studying and still seems to have plenty of money, what am I supposed to be getting all worked up about?

I disagree. Many of these people are being supported by the accommodation supplement also. Where does that money come from? From people like you and me. So here we are working to pay for accommodation supplement to some guy who hasn’t spent a bean on his house he looks to have bought over 20 years ago that he rents out for an exorbitant amount just because ‘he can’.

These sorts of situations need looking into seriously.

Frankly I am quite disappointed by most people’s attitudes about this. Really says A LOT.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 16:40:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Hmmmm somethings not stacking up here.....

How long has this landlord owned this house hmmm? ????

That shower looks positively’inviting’....

common cause of mold in nz homes is simply lack of heating.
those old homes are very hard to heat but without it, everything gets damp.
quite common here is a northland wardrobe, which is simply a curtain instead of a wardrobe door.
with a normal door everything goes moldy.

the shower is someones half arsed reno. its tricky to paint over those surfaces as it doesn't stick.

tweake - 2021-04-27 16:45:00
lakeview3 wrote:

I disagree. Many of these people are being supported by the accommodation supplement also. Where does that money come from? From people like you and me. So here we are working to pay for accommodation supplement to some guy who hasn’t spent a bean on his house he looks to have bought over 20 years ago that he rents out for an exorbitant amount just because ‘he can’.

These sorts of situations need looking into seriously.

Frankly I am quite disappointed by most people’s attitudes about this. Really says A LOT.

I don't think anyone is happy about the current rental situation. but I suspect they will be a lot unhappier once the new tax reforms have kicked in - actually very unhappy. but you cannot complain if you think rents should reflect cost to the landlord.
Getting stuck into one landlord on a public forum in a personal way is not going to be productive.
I don't expect landlords to charge less rent because they've had a property a while. Just like I don't expect a builder to charge less because their truck and tools are all paid for. There is a market rate for everything.

Edited by heather902 at 4:59 pm, Tue 27 Apr

heather902 - 2021-04-27 16:58:00
tweake wrote:

common cause of mold in nz homes is simply lack of heating.
those old homes are very hard to heat but without it, everything gets damp.
quite common here is a northland wardrobe, which is simply a curtain instead of a wardrobe door.
with a normal door everything goes moldy.

the shower is someones half arsed reno. its tricky to paint over those surfaces as it doesn't stick.

i would hate to see what lies behind that shower. Probably a big reason as to why the place is damp.

Doesn’t look like the roof is in good condition either.

My old villa had a leaky roof when I bought it.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 17:01:00
heather902 wrote:

I don't think anyone is happy about the current rental situation. but I suspect they will be a lot unhappier once the new tax reforms have kicked in - actually very unhappy. but you cannot complain if you think rents should reflect cost to the landlord.
Getting stuck into one landlord on a public forum in a personal way is not going to be productive.
I don't expect landlords to charge less rent because they've had a property a while. Just like I don't expect a builder to charge less because their truck and tools are all paid for. There is a market rate for everything.

the whole thing needs look at. I hardly think the landlord could justify the rent on that place if the financials of the whole property were taken into account.

It’s exploitive.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 17:05:00

People just don’t GAS about anyone but themselves anymore do they?

Shame shame shame. This affects ALL of us whether we care to see it or not.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 17:06:00
lakeview3 wrote:

People just don’t GAS about anyone but themselves anymore do they?

Shame shame shame. This affects ALL of us whether we care to see it or not.

You know that's simply not true. And caring does NOT give you the right to examine other peoples finances.
I believe the government has made some monumental mistakes with rental reforms which are only going to push prices up. The spin off is I think we can expect house prices to cool and that's got to be a win for first home buyers. but I wouldn't want to be a tenant in coming years.

Edited by heather902 at 5:14 pm, Tue 27 Apr

heather902 - 2021-04-27 17:13:00
lakeview3 wrote:

i would hate to see what lies behind that shower. Probably a big reason as to why the place is damp.

i doubt it.
shower looks worse than it is. a problem with the shower won't make the whole place damp.
the big reason why the place is damp is more than likely lack of heating. that drafty place will have way to much ventilation, typical of those old houses, which makes them expensive to heat.

moisture coming up through the floor is another major factor in most homes.

tweake - 2021-04-27 18:00:00
tweake wrote:

i doubt it.
shower looks worse than it is. a problem with the shower won't make the whole place damp.
the big reason why the place is damp is more than likely lack of heating. that drafty place will have way to much ventilation, typical of those old houses, which makes them expensive to heat.

moisture coming up through the floor is another major factor in most homes.

either way there really is no justification for the guy charging them that much.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-27 18:10:00

Shocking for a greedy landlord to charge big rent to tenants who have to live in a cold and wet and mouldy flat. Absolutely criminal!

megan109 - 2021-04-27 18:39:00

Actually ventilation helps prevent mould. We live in a villa. It’s not completely air tight and we have no mould.

Mould does travel with tenants too. We own a property we’ve had for donkeys years. Never had mould until one lot of tenants moved in.

We had another 2 places - a duplex so closer than next door. One had horrendous mould, the other had none. The tenants on the mouldy side never opened the curtains, didn’t clean etc. they were also very slack about paying rent and bills.

If the Wellington house isn’t market rent then the tenants would have moved out and found something better and cheaper.

What the LL paid for the property or when he paid it has no bearing on how much rent is charged.

princess52 - 2021-04-27 19:07:00
princess52 wrote:

Actually ventilation helps prevent mould..We live in a villa. It’s not completely air tight and we have no mould.

yes, but there is trade offs. it depends on how much moisture is coming in from other things.
if you have a fairly dry house, extra ventilation doesn't do any more drying it just brings extra moisture in. if you have a fairly damp house then you need tons of ventilation to keep the house dry.
air tight house keeps a lot of outside moisture out and have enough ventilation to remove moisture brought in by the people.
i hope that makes sense.

and quite agree that some people do not know how to run a house.
this is why they need education, but also ventilation systems and cheap heating helps a lot.

tweake - 2021-04-27 20:36:00
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