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I phone under K1


Are there any i phones under a thousand dollars that are recommended. I know it is possible to get some reconditioned. Is this a good idea? If so what is a reliable source.

I should add that I have an android but all the unnecessary functions annoy me. I need a phone for texts, some data searches, WA and FB lite and phoning. Plus the Covid app (not fully functional but I manage with vocal daily diary as I can't get the password they send) and timezone function for checking where overseas family are likely to be. I just want simplicity which a friend assures me is available through i phone.

Edited by hesian at 12:52 pm, Mon 19 Apr

hesian - 2021-04-19 12:48:00

What makes you think that an iphone won't have a whole bunch of "unnecessary functions" too?

What phone do you have now?

cube_guy - 2021-04-19 12:56:00

An iPhone is more any more simple than any Android

nice_lady - 2021-04-19 13:27:00

And just what 'unnecessary' functions does your android have that you imagine the iPhone won't?

You know you only have to use the functions you want to use right?

Why can't you get the Covid app running ?

How old is your current Android phone?

Edited by nice_lady at 1:30 pm, Mon 19 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-19 13:29:00
hesian wrote:

Are there any i phones under a thousand dollars that are recommended. I know it is possible to get some reconditioned. Is this a good idea? If so what is a reliable source.

I should add that I have an android but all the unnecessary functions annoy me. I need a phone for texts, some data searches, WA and FB lite and phoning. Plus the Covid app (not fully functional but I manage with vocal daily diary as I can't get the password they send) and timezone function for checking where overseas family are likely to be. I just want simplicity which a friend assures me is available through i phone.

friends with any iDevices are somewhat biased - it helps them believe that the amount of money they spent themselves is justified by talking it up... it also feeds the ego...
idevices have there share of issues as well, so I would certainly see if you can get hold of one and have a go with it to see if it does fulfil the simplicity requirement, personally I don't see them as any more or less simple than Android phones...

Edited by king1 at 1:36 pm, Mon 19 Apr

king1 - 2021-04-19 13:34:00

Agree. Try before you buy. And don't expect simplicity over that of the Android. They're not.

nice_lady - 2021-04-19 13:51:00

Right - let's answer the O/Ps question rather than get into an Android/Apple slagging match.

You can get an Apple XR for $800 from the likes of PB Tech and Noel Leeming and they are only slightly lower spec than their 11 & 12 siblings

wembley1 - 2021-04-19 14:07:00

The XR is a lot lower spec than the 12 (they've finally put OLEDs in that)

The SE is probably the model to get if you're on a budget, it's the cheapest ones and had the same CPU as an 11 so should last a few years.

vtecintegra - 2021-04-19 14:37:00

We've not gone to any kind of slanging match. Simply been trying to advise the OP in regard to their innacurate impression that iphones are simpler to use than Android. Personally I don't care what someone uses but before the OP spends some dollars replacing her current phone it might be better to try to ascertain just what their use issues are exactly.

Edited by nice_lady at 2:44 pm, Mon 19 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-19 14:43:00
cube_guy wrote:

What makes you think that an iphone won't have a whole bunch of "unnecessary functions" too?

What phone do you have now?

Maybe they mean customizations. They just want something that works one way and can't be changed to suit the operator.

loose.unit8 - 2021-04-19 15:59:00

Easy/basic mode in a Samsung is probably what OP is looking for - can't get any simpler than that...

king1 - 2021-04-19 16:56:00
loose.unit8 wrote:

Maybe they mean customizations. They just want something that works one way and can't be changed to suit the operator.

Or you could just never go into the settings of the phone?

cube_guy - 2021-04-19 21:41:00

I have a Samsung A01. It was bought last November after I dropped my previous A31 I think, anyway a slightly more expensive one, on to a hard hospital floor in casualty and the screen "bled"....(What a pity they don't do phones....). Before that I had various Samsungs handed down by family members. I did try an A9 old fashioned linked to Vodafone but that was impossible for me to work out and once I had used up $40 worth of ransom trying to use it I gave up....I just use a Warehouse combo as so cheap and rarely use all that provides. I live in two places and one doesnt have regular internet. (just starting with Skinny Jump but trouble with that. Skinny and I didnt get on very well a few years ago).

Right what bothers me: All the buttons and apps. Just looking I have Galaxy Store, Google Play Store (ok) , calendar, Samsung, Smart Switch (what's that?) , Gmail (never used) Plus apps Android Auto, Android System WebVi, Chrome, Config APK, Device Health Services, Digital Wellbeing, Duo,Files, Finder, Galaxy Themes, Google Play Services, Google Text to speech, Maps , One UI Home, One Drive, Radio, Samsung Cloud, Samsung Internet, Samsung Push Service( sounds like a birthing programme) SIM toolkit, Smart Switch, Weather, There are a couple such as Covid I sort of use. Couldnt download a number so have worked out how to do a catch up manual diary every day.

I am incidentally one of those people around whom electrical devices sometimes stop working. Just saying.

Thank you for suggestions. My other daughter who is not long out of isolation is going to come along and try to help..... But great to have those suggestions.

As for the difference I always thought rich people had Apple and the rest of us other things....It is interesting there are techo disagreements about the best. It seems to me also that people stick with what they first learned on....

Edited by hesian at 4:46 pm, Tue 20 Apr

hesian - 2021-04-20 16:46:00
hesian wrote:

As for the difference I always thought rich people had Apple and the rest of us other things....It is interesting there are techo disagreements about the best. It seems to me also that people stick with what they first learned on....

That conception happened because Apple used to only target the premium price point wheas android phone manufacturers targeted the whole range of price points. The flagship Samsung, Oppo, Xiaomi etc android phones are the same or better in features, cameras and response than the flagship Apple offerings. But these days Apple has some cheap models as well as expensive models so it's much of a muchness.

I advise choosing a price point first and then doing some research for best phone at that price point, with the features that matter to you. You're right though, the final choice a lot of the time comes down to what Operating system you're used to (or learnt on).

loose.unit8 - 2021-04-20 17:01:00

Most of those apps you listed are pretty standard apps and functions of the Android operating system. The exception to that would be anything with "Samsung" in the name because with Android, the phone manufacturer has the ability to customize Android with the apps that they want and to customize the overall look of Android as well.

If you are feel these apps are surplus to your needs, it wont be any different with Apple because I guarantee you will still find a bunch of apps that you won't use on an Iphone as well.

An A01 is about as entry level as you can get from a Samsung phone. It also has Android Go, which is basically a cut down version of Android to run on lower end devices. I am very sure you could get a much better Android experience by upgrading to a full blown Android device, without having to spend Iphone money to do so.

Edited by cube_guy at 5:07 pm, Tue 20 Apr

cube_guy - 2021-04-20 17:06:00
hesian wrote:

Right what bothers me: All the buttons and apps. Just looking I have Galaxy Store, Google Play Store (ok) , calendar, Samsung, Smart Switch (what's that?) , Gmail (never used) Plus apps Android Auto, Android System WebVi, Chrome, Config APK, Device Health Services, Digital Wellbeing, Duo,Files, Finder, Galaxy Themes, Google Play Services, Google Text to speech, Maps , One UI Home, One Drive, Radio, Samsung Cloud, Samsung Internet, Samsung Push Service( sounds like a birthing programme) SIM toolkit, Smart Switch, Weather, There are a couple such as Covid I sort of use. Couldnt download a number so have worked out how to do a catch up manual diary every day.

just tap and hold briefly on each of those... depending on the android version there will be options to remove from home screen, uninstall, or maybe goto app info, from where you can uninstall...
Some apps are system apps which won't let you uninstall but you should be able to remove them from the home screen

or find the easy mode toggle in settings/display

Edited by king1 at 5:22 pm, Tue 20 Apr

king1 - 2021-04-20 17:21:00

Yeah simply press a 'button/app' and hold your finger on it for a second. You will get a menu. You can delete stuff very easily.

An iPhone is NOT much different and certainly not 'simpler'. All you need to do is organize your home screen(s) a little. You can also press/hold them drag an icon on top of another one this will make a folder and then you can drag other stuff into it.

Look at this. It's a screen shot of my phone home screen. See the individual items, and the folders. All nearly organized. I have 80 items I can access there if I want and it's all very tidily set up. You too can do this or similar. It's simple. Just tap/hold/drag.

Edited by nice_lady at 5:43 pm, Tue 20 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-20 17:35:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2021-04-20 20:43:00
azza20 wrote:

And someone with a Samsung is not? I accept iphone is a premium price but they are also very good phones particularly if you also use Mac computers and or you have family and friends using them also. As for an ego trip yeah if you are still at high school perhaps. Many android phones are exceptional as well but after all it is personal preference and to suggest it is all ego is rubbish.

Perhaps, but Apple iPhone has the appearance of being more elitist.

tygertung - 2021-04-20 20:49:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2021-04-20 21:01:00
azza20 wrote:

And someone with a Samsung is not? I accept iphone is a premium price but they are also very good phones particularly if you also use Mac computers and or you have family and friends using them also. As for an ego trip yeah if you are still at high school perhaps. Many android phones are exceptional as well but after all it is personal preference and to suggest it is all ego is rubbish.

lol, apparently it also makes you quite defensive... Thanks for proving my point

king1 - 2021-04-20 21:07:00

anyway I was referring to the subset of apple users who insist upon foisting their rosy tinted, apple deity perspective upon others. If that's not you then well and good, no harm done, except perhaps for a bruised ego...

king1 - 2021-04-20 21:18:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2021-04-20 21:19:00

"the physical appearance / build quality does always have a premium build quality feel about it"

Meh. Nah. Not really any different to many other phones.

nice_lady - 2021-04-20 21:22:00
azza20 wrote:

You have not proved anything. You have merely made an assumption and it seems you are now defensive at having that pointed out..

I have made an observation of what I see in the real world - no assumptions required... It's one of the benefits of being on the outside looking in, without the proverbial rose tinted glasses...

king1 - 2021-04-21 08:34:00
azza20 wrote:

I think you mean perception of being more elitist but the physical appearance / build quality does always have a premium build quality feel about it much like a German car over a Japanese car. Although to be fair today's premium Japanese and Korean cars also have exceptional build quality but is it as good as German? I don't think it has anything to do with Ego.

I would say that a Japanese car has a better build quality than a German one. German ones tend to be designed to only last for a certain time these days, or so I am told.

tygertung - 2021-04-21 08:42:00

Nice Lady, is your pantry that well organised?? I love the big button for camera. It needs skill to organise like that! But I know you are a cyber skilled person so lucky you have the time to help those who are not.

hesian - 2021-04-21 12:36:00

Pantry is pretty good lol. Just do as I've described above, long press icons and hold and drag. Or long press and release to get a menu of options. Make folders. You'll find it's easy.

nice_lady - 2021-04-21 12:40:00
king1 wrote:

anyway I was referring to the subset of apple users who insist upon foisting their rosy tinted, apple deity perspective upon others. If that's not you then well and good, no harm done, except perhaps for a bruised ego...

The irony is you calling iphone users 'elitist' and biased or whatever you may think but not a single person posting ITT has come to the defence of the iphone other then azza who made totally valid unbiased points and you seem to think otherwise lol

If you take off your rose tinted glasses yourself and reread what has been said it's quite the opposite, everyone went into bat for Android the minute the OP mentioned an iphone.

Android users can be quite insecure and a massive % online will seek out iphone users to abuse but I 100% don't expect you to agree because what I'm saying doesn't fit your narrative.

Look at iphone reviews compared to say Samsung reviews, the comment section on the iphone video has a large % of Android users voicing their disdain for Apple lol but you don't see too many iphone users banging on the Samsung review now do you?

It's people like yourself who give Android a bad name, who cares if OP wants an iPhone, it's not your business how anyone wants to spend their money, why can't people just answer the question directly rather then offer up their own opinion.

I really don't care what people use as long as it works for them and I don't care too much for others opinions either but I'll call out the BS when I see it.

DISCLAIMER: I'm a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra user.

2nd2none - 2021-04-21 22:25:00

Oh btw don't get offended or feel the need to reply, I probably won't read it as I don't come around this place too much, it's a bit of a dead end message board to be honest, nothing really interesting gets discussed here.

2nd2none - 2021-04-21 22:30:00
2nd2none wrote:

It's people like yourself who give Android a bad name, who cares if OP wants an iPhone, it's not your business how anyone wants to spend their money, why can't people just answer the question directly rather then offer up their own opinion.

the op was asking for advice, didn't seem convinced about what he was being told by the 'friend '. I offered my opinion based on my experience of some apple users, although I might now have to add some elitist android users to the list as well... I can't believe you got so wound up about it, take a chill pill, the world will still keep spinning...

Edited by king1 at 10:58 pm, Wed 21 Apr

king1 - 2021-04-21 22:51:00

"who cares if OP wants an iPhone, it's not your business how anyone wants to spend their money"

Your statement suggests that you lack comprehension of the responses given on this thread .

nice_lady - 2021-04-22 05:49:00

And just to further clarify that - the OP doesn't 'want an iphone'. They were considering one because someone had told them the iphone is 'simpler' to use than an Android. All we've done is to explain to them that statement was manifestly incorrect.


2nd2none wrote:

Oh btw don't get offended or feel the need to reply, I probably won't read it as I don't come around this place too much, it's a bit of a dead end message board to be honest, nothing really interesting gets discussed here.

That's nice. Great. Go back to your usual 'interesting' haunts. WE don't particularly care if you don't find this place interesting. WE spend time here because we enjoy the threads and also we enjoy helping people. I reckon several of us have collected a lot of good Karma points ????????

nice_lady - 2021-04-22 07:06:00
2nd2none wrote:

The irony is you calling iphone users 'elitist' and biased or whatever you may think but not a single person posting ITT has come to the defence of the iphone other then azza who made totally valid unbiased points and you seem to think otherwise lol

If you take off your rose tinted glasses yourself and reread what has been said it's quite the opposite, everyone went into bat for Android the minute the OP mentioned an iphone.

Android users can be quite insecure and a massive % online will seek out iphone users to abuse but I 100% don't expect you to agree because what I'm saying doesn't fit your narrative.

Look at iphone reviews compared to say Samsung reviews, the comment section on the iphone video has a large % of Android users voicing their disdain for Apple lol but you don't see too many iphone users banging on the Samsung review now do you?

It's people like yourself who give Android a bad name, who cares if OP wants an iPhone, it's not your business how anyone wants to spend their money, why can't people just answer the question directly rather then offer up their own opinion.

I really don't care what people use as long as it works for them and I don't care too much for others opinions either but I'll call out the BS when I see it.

DISCLAIMER: I'm a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra user.

I use old school Nokia, it is more simple, and just use a computer to get on the net, and a paper map for navigation.

tygertung - 2021-04-22 07:57:00
2nd2none wrote:

Oh btw don't get offended or feel the need to reply, I probably won't read it as I don't come around this place too much, it's a bit of a dead end message board to be honest, nothing really interesting gets discussed here.

well that's mature, what are you a five year old?

Edited by king1 at 8:36 am, Thu 22 Apr

king1 - 2021-04-22 08:29:00
tygertung wrote:

I use old school Nokia, it is more simple, and just use a computer to get on the net, and a paper map for navigation.

A paper map ? Nah all those got chucked away by Hubby a few years ago. The live GPS 'turn by turn' navigation is very hard to beat. Ps: Invented by a Kiwi !

nice_lady - 2021-04-22 09:30:00
king1 wrote:

well that's mature, what are you a five year old?

Well they have an ego problem and are trying to make themselves look superior. Lol. Doh !

nice_lady - 2021-04-22 09:31:00
nice_lady wrote:

A paper map ? Nah all those got chucked away by Hubby a few years ago. The live GPS 'turn by turn' navigation is very hard to beat. Ps: Invented by a Kiwi !

GPS can be handy, but depending on what software it is using, the routing can be not the best.

Paper maps are also good for when the flat battery strikes!

tygertung - 2021-04-22 11:02:00
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