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iPad woes


can anyone explain why, when typing on my iPad, it sometimes replaces a letter I have typed, with the corresponding numeral.
I find it very annoying to have to go back through script and delete the numerals, and replace them with the appropriate letter that I typed in the first place.
I'm on my computer at the moment, but if on the iPad, the above script would contain at least three numerals where they were not wanted, so it's not just a once in a while fault

colin433 - 2021-04-18 10:37:00

You're possibly pressing too long on the letter key. That will generally type other characters assigned to that key.

nice_lady - 2021-04-18 10:39:00

When you press a key, don't 'press' it 'tap' it quickly - as if it was hot.

nice_lady - 2021-04-18 10:40:00

You can switch it off in settings but if you slide the key instead of tap then you get the alternate keyboard. If you look at the keyboard you can see the other characters available

5 = t. 8 = i & = f etc

sred69 - 2021-04-18 17:33:00

Settings, keyboard, and turn off key flicks

sred69 - 2021-04-18 17:35:00

thanks everyone.
I'll try sred's suggestion, turning off the key flicks sounds like what I need.
I don't HIT the keys, it is just a gentle tap, but I've noticed the main culprit is the 9 popping up more regularly than others. VERY annoying. I've been a touch typist for over 70 years and don't expect my typing to have curly bits in it

colin433 - 2021-04-19 09:43:00

For at least the past THREE YEARS I've had to contend with my apple devices mis-spelling words on their so-called "autocorrect" (that I have to then go back and correct. No amount of trying/ enquiries/ redoing "autocorrect" will fix THEIR problem and I'm now resigned to the fact that Im stuck with the problem. A bit galling when you look at the amount of profits they demand- and get- for their products, but what can you do? My opinion- it's a rort..

johnhb - 2021-06-06 17:56:00

Tap on Keyboards under General in settings and just try turning off various functions, e.g. Auto-Correction, Predictive text etc. See if it suits your way of doing things. you can always turn it on again once you have experimented.

mcdaff - 2021-06-07 15:35:00
johnhb wrote:

For at least the past THREE YEARS I've had to contend with my apple devices mis-spelling words on their so-called "autocorrect" (that I have to then go back and correct. No amount of trying/ enquiries/ redoing "autocorrect" will fix THEIR problem and I'm now resigned to the fact that Im stuck with the problem. A bit galling when you look at the amount of profits they demand- and get- for their products, but what can you do? My opinion- it's a rort..

Android and Apple both have autocorrect and it's not perfect but can be helpful. It's also very simple to turn it off. You 'fought' with it for 3 years ? Lol. Ouch.

nice_lady - 2021-06-07 15:44:00
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