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two questions


number two.
I bought a cheap tablet for my husband who plays games only on it. Our son, and I, send him the occasional email, but nothing has come through since early March.
Where else would we look, other than gmail for these emails.
I myself use an iPad which I like, but it was expensive.
How much would I need to spend to buy him an iPad... which I thought would be more complicated than an android, but I'm beginning to think that an iPad is easier.
Any other tips. I'm not particularly tech savvy

colin433 - 2021-04-17 13:02:00

You will only get emails into the Gmail app if you sent them to his Gmail address or if the app is configured to pick up emails from a different address. Did it ever previously receive emails?

Have you checked the spam folder ?

Getting him an iPad may not make any difference to the email issue.

Ipads vary in cost substantially.
Go here

Type ipad into the search box.

nice_lady - 2021-04-17 14:22:00

wow, thank you for that nice lady. I don't think he uses his tablet enough to warrant spending that amount of money.
I didn't mention that emails were coming into his tablet until sometime in March, having purchased it in December last year.
Is there something we could have done accidentally that has stopped them coming in. Not that he gets many, but our son sometimes sends him one, with pictures, of stuff he thinks his father would be interested. (He doesn't know his father very well, the subjects are not of his genre whatsoever)

colin433 - 2021-04-18 10:23:00

So did you check the spam folder?
Also try sending one to him from that tablet. Ie: send himself an email.
Let us know how you get on; does it send?
Did it receive?

Any error messages?

nice_lady - 2021-04-18 10:28:00
colin433 wrote:

Is there something we could have done accidentally that has stopped them coming in.

Changing the email accounts password would do it

king1 - 2021-04-18 11:24:00

Yeah but that would/should throw up an error...

Edited by nice_lady at 11:28 am, Sun 18 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-18 11:27:00

OP, who's his email provider?, gmail, yahoo, xtra .. etc?.

flower_tears - 2021-04-19 01:18:00
flower_tears wrote:

OP, who's his email provider?, gmail, yahoo, xtra .. etc?.

gmail, and there is an icon for that.
I'm so dumb regarding the tablet that I probably can't find the spam folder.

I checked the prices of iPads, and wow, it took my breath away. I must have bought mine when it was on special. paid just under $1000 for a 9plus inch model.
I can justify owning seldom gets turned off before 2am and averages 10 hours daily use. HE, on the other hand, is fixated on 'hearts' and hardly uses it for anything else. HOW BORING!!!

colin433 - 2021-04-19 09:51:00
flower_tears wrote:

OP, who's his email provider?, gmail, yahoo, xtra .. etc?.

I wouldn't have a clue how to access the spam folder on that gadget. On my iPad it's easy

colin433 - 2021-04-19 09:53:00

You'll only get a helpful answer on here if you reply to the above questions.

tegretol - 2021-04-19 09:54:00

both android and ipad gmail apps have the same features. they are both easy.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-04-19 10:40:00
colin433 wrote:

gmail, and there is an icon for that.
I'm so dumb regarding the tablet that I probably can't find the spam folder.

I checked the prices of iPads, and wow, it took my breath away. I must have bought mine when it was on special. paid just under $1000 for a 9plus inch model.
I can justify owning seldom gets turned off before 2am and averages 10 hours daily use. HE, on the other hand, is fixated on 'hearts' and hardly uses it for anything else. HOW BORING!!!

iPad’s price starts from about $569 for a 10.2inch model.

mcdaff - 2021-04-19 22:03:00
colin433 wrote:

gmail, and there is an icon for that.

So, what happened when you click the Gmail icon?, would that open a screen where there's a list of the incoming emails (Inbox)?

flower_tears - 2021-04-20 18:28:00
tegretol wrote:

You'll only get a helpful answer on here if you reply to the above questions.

what haven't I answered, I've said the supplier is gmail.

colin433 - 2021-04-22 11:56:00
flower_tears wrote:

So, what happened when you click the Gmail icon?, would that open a screen where there's a list of the incoming emails (Inbox)?

yes, but not since early March. I know there have been more that don't show

colin433 - 2021-04-22 11:58:00

is he connected to the internet on the tablet?

kateley - 2021-04-22 12:12:00
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