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HI ,has anyone got any bubble wrap lying around .Can give a donation but thats all. Sorry packing up.Cant afford much .Havent got a house yet. CHCH AREA/

angela.k.sloan - 2021-04-17 11:13:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-04-17 14:41:00

Visit local businesses as thats the beast way to rid them of their packaging and help you. at the same time. Places like The Warehouse, sports store, book shops etc etc

jan2242 - 2021-04-18 10:20:00

Wrap breakables in teatowels, facecloths etc. Use towels and sheets as "bubble wrap". What about using old newspapers as padding & protection for items. Good luck with your move.

pugswal - 2021-04-19 16:16:00

I might have some - but unless you know someone in west melton that can deliver to you or close.. :( is a heavier type that is fairly stiff & like paper each side.. ideal to line the box with.. sorry won't be coming into city for at least a week - can deliver into township

Edited by urbanrefugee54 at 9:59 pm, Mon 19 Apr

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-04-19 21:58:00

Try car franchises or panel shops . I got mine from the local new car sales as replacement panels were wrapped in it

scuba - 2021-05-10 11:47:00

Furniture stores, whiteware stores and many others with large items (plumbing outlets, etc) ALL have masses of bubble wrap, and all you have to do is ask

autumnwinds - 2021-05-10 11:51:00

Egg cartons and trays

lilyfield - 2021-05-15 13:41:00
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