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IS THIS INTRUSIVE.....................-


For 12 years, we have had the same insurance broker. A nice enough lady, whom we have always got on with. A few weeks ago she emailed to say they had a a new kid on the block, so to speak, whom she would like us to meet. No troubles, let us know when it suits, and we will come into their office and meet him. We have since realized that she wants the new broker to come look through our homes. We have never heard of this before. Sure, an insurance assessor needs to visit the house, if we ever have a claim. Our current broker has never requested she come and look through. We don't feel comfortable about the request. We don't want strangers wandering through any of our private homes. It shouldn't matter to the broker if we lived in a mansion, or a modest wee abode, as long as we pay for insurance annually. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or not. Any thoughts guy's?

westward1 - 2021-04-14 11:47:00

What reason did she give you for the home visits?

lyl_guy - 2021-04-14 12:01:00

Probably suspects you are badly underinsured.

sparkychap - 2021-04-14 12:14:00
lyl_guy wrote:

What reason did she give you for the home visits?

None at all. All very strange.

westward1 - 2021-04-14 12:30:00
sparkychap wrote:

Probably suspects you are badly underinsured.

That's a point sparky, but I don't think we are. Anything of value has extra insurance.

westward1 - 2021-04-14 12:31:00
westward1 wrote:

That's a point sparky, but I don't think we are. Anything of value has extra insurance.

That's good - the logical thing is to tell them that you'll come to them and if they push back ask why they need to come and see all your properties.

sparkychap - 2021-04-14 12:36:00

It makes sense to me, and I would not push back in your position. Your broker will be better placed to negotiate the right contract with insurers if they fully understand your assets.

tony9 - 2021-04-14 13:49:00

Pffft I would be telling them to forget it or I would go elsewhere, especially if you haven’t made any/many claims. Any big ticket items can have valuation certificates. no need for them to nosy around.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-14 13:56:00

On second thoughts, it may depend if it’s house insurance or contents.

If it’s an older house then that may be why?

Best bet is ask why they want to do this and then ring around other insurers and ask them if this is a requirement. Shop around if necessary. We always do that if they try and put our premiums up too much. We always give the incumbent an opportunity to match best quote before moving.

lakeview3 - 2021-04-14 14:02:00

It seems intrusive to me. They could be adding stuff to your file based on a superficial impression alone OR they could be wanting to gain leverage due to being in your home space. Either way I wouldn't agree and would lodge a written complaint just in case it's some kind of fraud (sorry, complaining is an awful waste of energy but best to have in writing in case of something...idk).

sweetgurl108 - 2021-04-14 14:35:00

When we first used an insurance broker she come to our home for the initial talk through of what we wanted and why, have had several different people with the same brokers since, no trouble at all with the claims weve since made, I didnt think it was odd, and it saved me trying to find parking etc. I was more alarmed at the uninvited visit and photos taken by QV after our house was repaired.

articferrit - 2021-04-14 14:58:00

Don't be too quick to reject a visit from the broker. Had a broker do a walk around of a property and took notes of everything on the property. Had a fire and the insurance company refused to pay out as the company said sorry thats not covered. Thankfully broker had everything listed clearly and insurance company had to pay out. Even photos had been taken and send to the insurance company for the policies.

strathview - 2021-04-14 15:42:00

'Working from Home'???? If the agent is doing this - then there is no office for you as a customer to go to.

brouser3 - 2021-04-14 19:02:00

i've never asked a broker to visit a clients home to gather info. If I need to know something, I recommend a professional provide that info (Ie, if you need a home valued, get a professional who can value it)

Edited by phoenix22 at 1:46 pm, Thu 15 Apr

phoenix22 - 2021-04-15 13:44:00
sparkychap wrote:

That's good - the logical thing is to tell them that you'll come to them and if they push back ask why they need to come and see all your properties.

My commercial broker used to come over from Rotorua each year to the job or yard and look at the gear when it was renewal time.
I never asked why, and at that time never had a claim, its only in the last year i had a smallish claim in 20 years.

mrcat1 - 2021-04-15 18:57:00
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