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anybody used and paid for services from FIVERR


from NZ to OVERSEAS somewhere?

how safe is it,obviously depends on the individual i guess

yay just answered my question lol...any others with experience with FIVERR tho and paying for overseas gigs


bbq-bro - 2021-04-07 12:30:00

docpc - 2021-04-07 12:36:00
docpc wrote:[/

cheers mate,looks dodgy as hell ay......not many based in NZ Fiverr services on there as well

bbq-bro - 2021-04-08 19:43:00

I've used some gigs. I had a radio ad done, I learned how to add 100,000+ likes to a Facebook page (Haven't done it in years lol) and I had a few really cool logo's made when I had creators block and couldn't be bothered doing them myself.

Not dodgy at all. It's important to read reviews of the person you want the gig from though and see what others have said. There are some really talented people on Fiverr and $5 is a small price to pay for something that you may not be able to do yourself.

digga7 - 2021-04-09 07:52:00
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