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missing dll


I can't access my apps on my laptop. Coming up with an error message saying WS2_32 file
is missing, plus others. Tried downloading a dll fixer and it won't install due to the missing files. Can anyone please help me as to what to do to correct this?

Edited by zizzy41 at 10:32 am, Tue 6 Apr

zizzy41 - 2021-04-06 10:32:00

Try the fixes in this link...

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-06 11:01:00

thanks, I'll check that out now

zizzy41 - 2021-04-06 11:09:00
zizzy41 wrote:

. Tried downloading a dll fixer and it won't install due to the missing files.

Bad idea, they're normally dodgy, you could have installed something bad now.
Use Windows to do a repair on it instead.

lythande1 - 2021-04-06 11:35:00
lythande1 wrote:

Bad idea, they're normally dodgy, you could have installed something bad now.
Use Windows to do a repair on it instead.

Windows repair didn't work, but I'm giving it one more go. There's only 999 hours left on it lol Ran with through command prompt this time. Once thats done, I'll run the suggestions in the first reply

zizzy41 - 2021-04-06 13:13:00

uninstall the last windows update, it has caused all sorts of issues like your explaining, and BSOD when trying to print.

loud_37 - 2021-04-06 18:43:00

And/or run system restore to step the system back to a date prior to the problem.

nice_lady - 2021-04-06 19:04:00
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