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Subdividing in Auckland


Hi there, those that have or are subdividing in Auckland how long did/is it taking? dwelling remaining at front, section at back is flat, driveway already there. All new to me, just curious, I know can't do it in weeks and have to wait but am just excited lol

all_things_nice - 2021-04-03 18:53:00

My friend has been doing it for a year,new drive put it in,but they have run out of money for the survey, registration & council fees etc. Expect another year waiting

androth2 - 2021-04-03 19:31:00

It takes about a year to get consents for a straightforward subdiv, the actual construction is usually a few months if the contractors are well organised.
Don't forget to budget for the extras like a water meter ($14k) and council contributions.

masturbidder - 2021-04-03 20:48:00

Be careful who you choose as a survey company. I have be dealing with one who has taken far too long, approx an additional year for consents, because they keep forgetting to send them in to council!

superoman - 2021-04-03 22:06:00

It costs about $150K to subdivided

Edited by catwoman1974 at 12:41 am, Sun 4 Apr

catwoman1974 - 2021-04-04 00:41:00
catwoman1974 wrote:

It costs about $150K to subdivided

yeap we already know that sort of figure..crazy right!

all_things_nice - 2021-04-04 12:58:00
superoman wrote:

Be careful who you choose as a survey company. I have be dealing with one who has taken far too long, approx an additional year for consents, because they keep forgetting to send them in to council!

how bloody stressful talk about a pi*s around! fingers crossed it gets sorted soon for you argh

all_things_nice - 2021-04-04 12:59:00
androth2 wrote:

My friend has been doing it for a year,new drive put it in,but they have run out of money for the survey, registration & council fees etc. Expect another year waiting

thanks! gosh I hate waiting, not that I have any choice and have to do it so it is what it is lol

all_things_nice - 2021-04-04 13:00:00
all_things_nice wrote:

yeap we already know that sort of figure..crazy right!

Hey you can sell it for a crazy figure so press the go button!

funkydunky - 2021-04-04 17:16:00
funkydunky wrote:

Hey you can sell it for a crazy figure so press the go button!

You can now, but in a year or two????

tony9 - 2021-04-04 18:18:00
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