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Battery only charging to 80%


Unfortunately, a few weeks ago I forgot the laptop was plugged in and pulled it towards me a bit forcefully. Since around then, it's only been charging to 80% max.
It's an HP Probook, about 3 years old. The battery report came back normal. Is it worth replacing the charging port? Thanks.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-03-29 19:17:00

Check your bios - an update recently limits charging to 80% to maintain battery health (80% limit is a good thing by the way...). My Elitebook does that and can be enabled/disabled within the BIOS

Edited by acura at 7:40 pm, Mon 29 Mar

acura - 2021-03-29 19:40:00
clicketyclick1 wrote:

ately, a few weeks ago I forgot the laptop was plugged in and pulled it towards me a bit forcefully. Since around then, it's only been charging to 80% max.
It's an HP Probook, about 3 years old. The battery report came back normal. Is it worth replacing the charging port? Thanks.

If the charging port or cable was broken/damaged it would either charge or it wouldn't. Any damage would not result in the battery only part charging.

nice_lady - 2021-03-29 20:01:00
acura wrote:

Check your bios - an update recently limits charging to 80% to maintain battery health (80% limit is a good thing by the way...). My Elitebook does that and can be enabled/disabled within the BIOS

Oh wow! Thanks for that. I did run some updates around the same time. Big relief no money to outlay.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-03-29 20:18:00

I would double check to see if you can charge up to 80+ to make sure.

acura - 2021-03-29 20:21:00
acura wrote:

I would double check to see if you can charge up to 80+ to make sure.

Yes, that was the cause. Thanks again.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-03-29 20:52:00

Don't change the setting except for temporarily, it is to prevent overcharging and resulting in battery swelling

cookee_nz - 2021-03-29 21:08:00
clicketyclick1 wrote:

ately, a few weeks ago I forgot the laptop was plugged in and pulled it towards me a bit forcefully. Since around then, it's only been charging to 80% max.
It's an HP Probook, about 3 years old. The battery report came back normal. Is it worth replacing the charging port? Thanks.

On my new Lenovo laptop, there's a new mode called Conservation Mode, when turned ON, it will limit the charging to 60% no matter how long you leave it on charge

flower_tears - 2021-03-29 22:55:00
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