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Just a quick question for computer experts


It seems that when I leave my new elitebook for sometime, it freezes the screen and I have to restart. Any idea how to fix that please?

omaria - 2021-03-28 22:40:00

turn off power saving. Just let it blank the screen.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-03-28 22:42:00

Some computers just don't 'come back' well from sleep mode. Personally I never use sleep mode I use 'hibernate' which actually shuts the computer off but in such a way that it restarts VERY fast, (a few seconds).

nice_lady - 2021-03-29 06:17:00

I'd suspect a corrupt pagefile.sys and clear this before trying anything else. This can sometimes cure obscure sleep, freezing and performance problems.

Go to settings. performance options, advanced, virtual memory, and select no paging file. Ignore the warning. Then reboot.

Then use windows explorer to remove c:\pagefile.sys (change the view options to view system files & hidden folders if you need to). If you didn't turn off paging then you can't delete the pagefile.sys

Then go back to the virtual memory and set 'system managed size' and reboot again.

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-29 07:27:00
nice_lady wrote:

Some computers just don't 'come back' well from sleep mode. Personally I never use sleep mode I use 'hibernate' which actually shuts the computer off but in such a way that it restarts VERY fast, (a few seconds).

How do you do that dear lady?

omaria - 2021-03-29 12:07:00
omaria wrote:

It seems that when I leave my new elitebook for sometime, it freezes the screen and I have to restart. Any idea how to fix that please?

Freezes what screen ? The open web page that you walked away from, or your desktop screen with nothing open. I have the frozen problem with an open Chrome webpage that has not been accessed for several minutes. whilst FF is fine.

asmawa1 - 2021-03-29 15:14:00
asmawa1 wrote:

I have the frozen problem with an open Chrome webpage that has not been accessed for several minutes. whilst FF is fine.

I noticed that too, come back to a blank tab after a few minutes. if you click over to another tab briefly then back to original tab it comes right.

king1 - 2021-03-29 15:38:00
omaria wrote:

How do you do that dear lady?

nice_lady - 2021-03-29 16:05:00

Just installed a new ssd drive and reinstalled windows 10. Went well for couple of days then when restarting yesterday after an update it will no longer load windows. I can’t access the f8 option, but was able to do f12 and everything checked ok. It shows dell logo, then revolving dots, then bluey screen and nothing. Any ideas please?

loey - 2021-04-05 20:07:00

1: Start your own thread on this subject.

Edited by nice_lady at 8:37 pm, Mon 5 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-05 20:36:00

I turn everything off, sleep and hibernate, I set to maximum performance on battery as well. Nothing goes to sleep or hibernates. Problem solved.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-05 20:52:00

Umm.... hibernate IS turning the computer off.

nice_lady - 2021-04-05 21:00:00
nice_lady wrote:

Umm.... hibernate IS turning the computer off.

I mean I just turn off sleep and hibernate so it leaves the laptop running full time. I have an old elitebook 8570p so chances of, as you say, it not coming out of sleep properly, increases with age so I just set the power options so they are disabled.

Edited by muppet_slayer at 9:10 pm, Mon 5 Apr

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-05 21:10:00
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