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Which Fiber providers supply a Fritz Box?


I am currently with 2 degrees and are considering changing provider for Fiber Unlimited, but would prefer to stick with a provider supplied Fritz Box. Familiarity and all that. Thanks.

kew - 2021-03-28 19:14:00

If you already have one and sign up with some new provider can't you just re configure it to suit ?

nice_lady - 2021-03-28 20:03:00
nice_lady wrote:

If you already have one and sign up with some new provider can't you just re configure it to suit ?

I am working on the assumption that 2degrees could ask for their Fritz Box to be returned.

kew - 2021-03-29 01:32:00

For fiber you get what is it called ont . this belongs to corus the fritzbox is just a wifi router.. if you know the number on router you just google the same number and buy one your self. You should be able to buy that from 2 degrees. I for one use a vodafone router at work on adsl 1 with slingshot.

Edited by intrade at 12:23 pm, Sat 3 Apr

intrade - 2021-04-03 12:14:00

at home i have this , there is 3 ont type for fiber non are a fritzbox.
i use skinny 36 unlimitted prepay throttled for internet to save money .
this looks like hyperfiber model not available here.
cheapest fiber is flip cheapest full speed was now or something. as in most upload and download.. as this is the smallprint if you dont look if the upload is also fast or not.

Edited by intrade at 12:35 pm, Sat 3 Apr

intrade - 2021-04-03 12:31:00
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