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Vodafone wireless broadband


I have had Vodafone 4G wireless broadband for a couple of years now. At the time we were having problems with ADSL and the ancient copper lines in my area. We have since had an ONT for fibre installed, as Chorus came around the area and I thought I may as well get the installation for nothing while it was on offer, ready to switch to when and if I feel the need. My wireless plan was 60Gb per month, which has been quite enough for me, as the most I have ever used is around 30Gb. So I was quite surprised to get an email from Vodafone today saying they have increased my data allowance to 300GB per month at no extra charge. There must be an advantage to them to keep people on wireless rather than go to fibre. The cut that goes to Chorus for fibre usage, maybe? My current plan is quite a bit cheaper than fibre would cost me, and the speed is quite acceptable. Includes a landline with free national calls.

rpvr - 2021-03-25 21:48:00

Maybe check out if Skinny is cheaper for wireless broadband? We are on skinny and it is very fast.

tygertung - 2021-03-25 23:47:00

Ask if they can offer you your old plan for cheaper, ha ha!

zirconium - 2021-03-26 07:51:00

Is this the plan they offered you? $40 per month, home phone and free national calls?

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-26 10:15:00
rpvr wrote:

Vodafone have increased my data allowance to 300GB per month at no extra charge. There must be an advantage to them to keep people on wireless rather than go to fibre. The cut that goes to Chorus for fibre usage, maybe? .

Doesn't benefit you, just them.

lythande1 - 2021-03-27 18:47:00

i have unlimitted prepay for 36 bux from skinny throttled to 1mb its just like the old adsl1 connection i had for 20 years or so.. and if i dont want it i just dont top it up for the month till i need it again.

intrade - 2021-03-28 10:12:00

Upgraded (no charge) with Vodafone from copper connect wireless to complete wireless.
New modem but weaker signal range like down to 10 metres from 40 metres for devices to connect.
600 Gb per month for $62.99 (includes free national calls)

Average consumption is aprox 30GB per month.
Two person household 2 smartphones,1 desktop PC.
Some movie streaming, games and mail,WhatsApp (heavy use)
Big gap between what you need and what is minimum supply level.

frank80 - 2021-03-29 15:58:00

I use the 4g modem and then have a couple of wifi routers plugged into that for the wifi as the 4g modem signal sucks.

I only had one, but the signal into the garage wasn't good, so I plugged in an old ione which I had lying around which has an external antennae. It gives better reception, so I think I might be able to just use that one instead.

tygertung - 2021-03-29 16:39:00
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