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Market Rent NZ website-missing info?


There are no 2 br flats in Mairangi bay and no info on flats or apartments there and in Murrays bay. Only 3-4 brm houses rental info in Murrays bay. It was there before. What is happening with market rent website?

evoalg - 2021-03-24 12:21:00

Government numbers? Yeah totally legit.

pcle - 2021-03-24 12:22:00
pcle wrote:

Government numbers? Yeah totally legit.

they are based on the number of actual bonds held and it is legit. it's just a big chunk of it is suddenly missing. It was missing for a while, so not because of the latest hoo ha with law changes

evoalg - 2021-03-24 12:35:00

all turned in to Air bnbs?

mutton2 - 2021-03-24 13:44:00
mutton2 wrote:

all turned in to Air bnbs?

I know for a fact some properties rented through Tenancy and so there should be at least a couple. Tried calling them but they don't answer. It's more like BnBs are rentals than the other way around...

evoalg - 2021-03-24 13:46:00

You can email them via a link on the Contact page, have to scroll a long way down to find it. They are usually fairly quick to respond, perhaps because you get a service number so responses are monitored.

Don't always get a proper answer but keep replying to the email using the service number. After a couple of attempts at the same question I do finally get something sensible in writing. Better than a phone response anyway.

artemis - 2021-03-24 15:50:00

The member deleted this message.

evoalg - 2021-03-24 17:02:00

Ah! found it, thank you! Looked before but it's not straightforward...

evoalg - 2021-03-24 17:04:00

Received a reply from Tenancy:
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email received 24 March 2021
There have been a couple of issues with the Market Rent calculator recently (eg no data showing for a particular suburb or the lower, median and upper quartile rents all showing the same).
I will pass on your query to our Support Team but please check our Tenancy Services website from time to time to see if the issue has been resolved

evoalg - 2021-03-25 16:09:00
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