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Recording TV on USB


I have used various set top boxes for recording TV programmes to USB. Unfortunately it seems most of them will only play back on tha machine that they were recorded on. Some brands (i.e. Dish TV) even chsnge the ecording format when they bring out a new model, so anything you have recorded on an old machine then cannot be kept and played. Is there any way to back up recordings so they may be kept and played in the future? Even if they could be played on a PC with a programme like VLC?

rpvr - 2021-03-20 22:21:00

I use BitTorrent sites to download anything I want to a USB stick and then plug that into the TV to watch it.

mazalinas - 2021-03-20 22:39:00

Basically its illegal to copy anything from the tv except for "time shifting" purposes so it can be watched at a more convenient time. That doesn't extend to keeping your own copy for multiple future viewings.

That's probably why they don't go out of their way to make it easy to keep or transfer copies (although it used to be easy with VCRs). There are probably ways of doing it, but I'm given to understand that mazalinas suggestion is one of the easier alternatives.

justinian1 - 2021-03-20 23:49:00

The member deleted this message.

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-21 01:20:00

I still have a VHS although it doesn't seem to get used very much.

tygertung - 2021-03-21 07:37:00

HDHomerun (tuner) into TVHeadend running on Ubuntu box.

spyware - 2021-03-21 09:32:00
tygertung wrote:

I still have a VHS although it doesn't seem to get used very much.

Exactly, VHS recorders allowed keeping and replaying the tape for years if one wanted to do that. I also have an old Panasonic DVD video recorder which records to hard drive but copies of things wanted to keep can be transferred to DVD. There didn't seem to be any concern with those making illegal recordings.

rpvr - 2021-03-21 11:25:00

Because the quality was substandard, VHS has horizontal resolution of 120 or so.

spyware - 2021-03-21 13:00:00

It didn't matter on a CRT TV as it was nice and blurry. Everything got pleasingly smoothed out.

Also the foux VHS looks seems to be pretty trendy these days, i've seen it on the youtube.

tygertung - 2021-03-21 13:19:00
spyware wrote:

Because the quality was substandard, VHS has horizontal resolution of 120 or so.

I disagree!
The quality was the 'standard of the day', (although some VHS recorders were of better quality than others)
Definitely not the standard of today but of the time the standard was fine.

Edited by perfectimages at 2:13 pm, Sun 21 Mar

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 14:10:00
rpvr wrote:

Exactly, VHS recorders allowed keeping and replaying the tape for years if one wanted to do that. I also have an old Panasonic DVD video recorder which records to hard drive but copies of things wanted to keep can be transferred to DVD. There didn't seem to be any concern with those making illegal recordings.

There were lots of concerns when VHS was first introduced (as with Cassette tapes), but by the time DVD came along the horse had well and truly bolted. The whole "being illegal" thing is very silly, just goes to show how poorly designed the Copyright law really is and how out of sync it is with how our citizens actually live.

Nowadays its legal to "format shift" your audio from a CD to an MP3 player (so long as you retain ownership of the CD), but not for video files from DVDs. The law really is quite stupid sometimes.

justinian1 - 2021-03-21 14:47:00
perfectimages wrote:

I disagree!
The quality was the 'standard of the day', (although some VHS recorders were of better quality than others)
Definitely not the standard of today but of the time the standard was fine.

All VHS devices used the same sub standard standard.

spyware - 2021-03-21 15:27:00
spyware wrote:

All VHS devices used the same sub standard standard.

What standards are you comparing? Is it like comparing a Morris Eight with a Bentley ? Please compare like with like.

You say 'substandard' but do not stipulate which standard you are referring to, that VHS is below (sub)

Edited by perfectimages at 4:13 pm, Sun 21 Mar

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 16:10:00

I'm sure I've had similar discussions with 'spyware' over standards quality. They seem a bit fixated about it. Perhaps they didn't grow up when the worlds photos, movies and distributed images were all black and white?

Edited by nice_lady at 4:22 pm, Sun 21 Mar

nice_lady - 2021-03-21 16:21:00

Sub standard in respect to the standard definition broadcast standard of the day.

Edited by spyware at 4:33 pm, Sun 21 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-21 16:23:00

The horizontal chroma resolution of VHS was only 30 lines.

The sad details are here

Edited by spyware at 4:31 pm, Sun 21 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-21 16:30:00
spyware wrote:

Sub standard in respect to the standard definition of the day.

If all VHS used the same standard of definition then THAT became the Standard of the day. Pedantic I know.

Edited by perfectimages at 4:32 pm, Sun 21 Mar

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 16:31:00

It was a substandard standard as it was vastly inferior to the existing SD broadcast standard of the time. Just cheap and nasty pre digital debauchery.

Edited by spyware at 4:35 pm, Sun 21 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-21 16:34:00
spyware wrote:

The horizontal chroma resolution of VHS was only 30 lines.

The sad details are here

Unfortunately Betamax was not adopted as the standard way for home video recording.

My first video recorder was Betamax and I was dissapointed at it's demise

So it turns out you were not comparing apples with apples..
VHS ruled and became the STANDARD way to record video at home.

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 16:41:00

But there was no better option for recording video, so it wasn't substandard, jusrt standard. There was of course 8mm film for home use, but noone is going to use that as it is expensive and inconvenient.

tygertung - 2021-03-21 16:52:00

Add to #19
I remember the controversary about the the two systems and even though Betamax was the better system for our broadcasts in PAL(B) it was not fully compatible with the US system in NTSC and as the US market was much bigger the VHS system won out

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 16:56:00
perfectimages wrote:

Add to #19
I remember the controversary about the the two systems and even though Betamax was the better system for our broadcasts in PAL(B) it was not fully compatible with the US system in NTSC and as the US market was much bigger the VHS system won out

Total bollocks. Betamax was developed for NTSC as used in Japan as broadcast standard of the time.

Edited by spyware at 5:15 pm, Sun 21 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-21 17:14:00

I do not wish to go off on the tangent of the accuracy, (or otherwise), of my memory. Especially if your profile photo is an accurate representation of you today as you probably would not have been around at the time this happened.

The discussion was about your (mis)use of the word substandard.
Perhaps you would have said it better if you had said "less than optimal"

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 19:36:00

I'm 60 in three weeks so what are you on about.

spyware - 2021-03-21 20:36:00
spyware wrote:

I'm 60 in three weeks so what are you on about.

Ah! just a youngster.

perfectimages - 2021-03-21 20:44:00
spyware wrote:

The horizontal chroma resolution of VHS was only 30 lines.

The sad details are here

Whatever horizontal chroma is. Even 1080p HD has hardly any horizontal chroma lines. Whatever they are.

tygertung - 2021-03-22 08:04:00
perfectimages wrote:

Add to #19
I remember the controversary about the the two systems and even though Betamax was the better system for our broadcasts in PAL(B) it was not fully compatible with the US system in NTSC and as the US market was much bigger the VHS system won out

Was not the measurable size of the tape the issue.
Beta(Sony) tapes were wider than (Panasonic) VHS so quality would have been better.
Similar to reel to reel audio tapes being much bigger than 8mm cassette audio tapes and thus producing a better sound.

The irony with VHS VCR I found out after many years that a Sony VCR player was superior to Panasonic/National/Sharp etc that I had previously used..
I have a $5.00 (cash converters) Sony SLVX 827 Nicam NTSC recorder player to transfer VHS tapes to DVD. It works well, an increase in image size on recorded DVD is a bonus.

frank80 - 2021-03-29 19:34:00
tygertung wrote:

Whatever horizontal chroma is. Even 1080p HD has hardly any horizontal chroma lines. Whatever they are.

It could be better hence why 4K HDR 120 fps H.266 will become the new minimum consumer standard.

spyware - 2021-03-29 21:49:00

Maybe, but it doesn't explain what the horizontal chroma lines are. The Luminance resolution lines give you a better number.

But really, if you are a few metres away from the tele, it isn't that critical.

tygertung - 2021-03-29 23:09:00

Chroma is the colour info, luminance is the monocromatic brightness component.

4:2:0 is the broadcast standard as used by Sky and Freeview. Sky's legacy low bitrate mpeg2 debauchery (and Freeview satellite) made things even worse. Most current sky broadcasts of both SD and HD use H.264 but Freeview satellite is still a gluttony of horror with mpeg2 encoded 4:2:0 SD at some pathetic bitrate. Not fit for purpose in my opinion.

Edited by spyware at 2:36 pm, Tue 30 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-30 14:21:00

I have a satbox plus s7080 DishTV. I can record anything on it, and then copy that to a usb stick and that plays on the PC. I think it is .mpg format.

It says, when copying, "it is recommended to play this content with PC player, media player classic or POT player" but it plays perfectly fine in win10 using 'films and TV' player.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-03 12:38:00

Oh first I had to install the Mpeg 2 extension before it would play in win10 film and TV.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-03 12:44:00

Just tried it direct in our toshiba LCD 40L 4750AZ TV and it plays fine.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-03 12:52:00
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