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Samsung phone updates


I have a 3 year old Samsung phone that is getting low on memory. I delete factory app (such as Music) updates which gives me more than enough memory.
Problem is the bloody thing keeps reinstalling them without my permission.
How do I stop this happening?

Edited by neell at 9:27 am, Fri 19 Mar

neell - 2021-03-19 09:26:00

If you're low on memory to the point where you're scavenging from factory apps then it's because you either have accumulated userdata such as photos, videos, or messages; or; you're installing apps and games.

Either clean up userdata and apps and stop installing more apps and games; or; get a bigger memory card and shift the userdata and apps to the card; or; buy a new phone with more than enough memory.

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-19 09:53:00

go into the play store - in the menu top left choose my apps and games - from there you can disable automatic updates. You will have to update them all manually though so make sure you keep the ones you use up to date at a minimum... usual disclaimer about security issues etc

king1 - 2021-03-19 09:55:00
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