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Looking for feedback on "Home Sell"


Hi, I am just about to list my property and keen to give it a nudge myself - has anyone used Home Sell before and have any feedback? Thank you

bellpop - 2021-03-17 14:50:00

Sort of a tangent ...there are always questions about selling privately etc, so there are lots of threads if you search 'private sale' that will be a useful read for you, I'm sure, possibly mentions of 'Homesell' too :D

desi1969 - 2021-03-17 15:57:00

Thanks Desi, yes I have tried that but suprisingly not on HomeSell, thank you!

bellpop - 2021-03-17 16:02:00

I used them - found their photos, boards, etc really good quality and good value for money. My DIL did the open homes for me and it was a piece of cake. Very happy to have saved thousands on REA fee.

supersapper - 2021-03-17 17:51:00
supersapper wrote:

I used them - found their photos, boards, etc really good quality and good value for money. My DIL did the open homes for me and it was a piece of cake. Very happy to have saved thousands on REA fee.

With respect, supersapper, and out of genuine curiosity, how can you be sure you saved thousands? How do you know an agent wouldn't have been able to get a far higher price for your home?

kitty179 - 2021-03-17 18:15:00
kitty179 wrote:

With respect, supersapper, and out of genuine curiosity, how can you be sure you saved thousands? How do you know an agent wouldn't have been able to get a far higher price for your home?

It is impossible to quantify.

johnston - 2021-03-17 20:33:00
supersapper wrote:

I used them - found their photos, boards, etc really good quality and good value for money. My DIL did the open homes for me and it was a piece of cake. Very happy to have saved thousands on REA fee.

Homesell are also agents.

johnston - 2021-03-17 20:33:00
kitty179 wrote:

With respect, supersapper, and out of genuine curiosity, how can you be sure you saved thousands? How do you know an agent wouldn't have been able to get a far higher price for your home?

Fair enough but I had a figure in mind that I hoped to get, that I felt reflected the market without being OTT and what I did get was far higher so I was more than satisfied (this was a year ago).

supersapper - 2021-03-17 20:40:00

How do they make their money? is there some sort of fee on top of marketing?

superdave0_13 - 2021-03-17 20:50:00

Make sure your property is well presented and not over-priced!

committed - 2021-03-17 21:03:00

They are still around?!

sweetgurl108 - 2021-03-17 21:31:00

Having dated a real estate agent a long time back, they are skilled negotiators. This is quite relevant, in today's market - especially if you live in Auckland, where prices are skyrocketing, beyond ridiculous!

I have sold 3 houses - on my own - through Homesell. The difference was that the market was quite stable at the time - prices didn't appear to be moving around, like they are at present.

If you are going to do it yourself, I would recommend staging it. Even if you do this yourself (ie visit Briscoes and pick up things like new duvet covers etc). Only issue here is that you end up with stacks of new linen - bought with 'staging'' in mind - not necessarily something you would want for yourself!

So... in short, highly recommend using an agent. Choose one by perhaps looking in real estate windows and seeing who appears to have the most listings. One lady in my area consistently has multiple listings - despite having not been an agent too many years.

biscuitd - 2021-03-29 20:32:00

I have been into 10 real estate agency's just to fill in time and have a chat, they don't appear to have any tea and biscuits for me but 2 out of the ten stood out as ones I remember and liked only remember ones name but know what the other looks like the other 8 I wouldn't remember if I had spoken to them or not next time I go in.

ash4561 - 2021-03-29 21:03:00

Parents just sold, via Auction, using Homesell. Very impressed with all services supplied. All legal & council documents organised by my Dad and always available to buyers - this included S & P agreement prepared by Lawyer and available for interested parties.

annedee - 2021-03-30 20:47:00
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