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Taskbar on HP Laptop


Used to be able to adjust the taskbar on my desktop no problem but seem unable to do so on my HP Laptop (running win 10) which now has an annoyingly limited width, compressing the icons to separate rows, two of which are no longer visible. Is it possible to drag and drop the "Search" window or decrease the size of the icons or something? Also noticed recently that the background colour has changed from dark blue when I first got it about 18 months ago, to white. Could something have happened in the background to inadvertently bring about these changes?

Edited by johnhb at 4:59 pm, Mon 15 Mar

johnhb - 2021-03-15 16:58:00

Noting you have a new laptop. are you sure in the Display Settings you've selected the recommended resolution and 100% scaling?

The background colours can be changed in Settings, Personalization.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 6:28 pm, Mon 15 Mar

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-15 18:26:00

Right click taskbar
Click unlock.
Drag taskbar larger.
Click 'large icons

nice_lady - 2021-03-15 19:07:00
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