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Microsoft Defender


Does this come automatically if you have Microsoft applications? I have a home version (Word/Outlook etc). I'm trying to see if I can activate it, but in my control panel where you are suppose to tick a box, it shows as ghosted so I can't make the tick.
I've only just heard about this virus checker, so looking into it. I presently have Avaast.

xxsaffyxx - 2021-03-14 15:57:00

I have been using windows defender for years now and it has always protected this computer. I got tired of paying for norton and avast. tried both for awhile. Microsoft windows defender seem to do the job. Think you need to be registered as a windows user.

Edited by randsdyson at 4:32 pm, Sun 14 Mar

randsdyson - 2021-03-14 16:31:00

Assuming Windows 10, it is part of the operating system and is disabled by default if another AV is present - you would need to uninstall Avast to enable defender. Prior to win 10 Defender was crap and you shouldn't rely on it

Edited by king1 at 4:35 pm, Sun 14 Mar

king1 - 2021-03-14 16:33:00

Thank you - that would mean that Avaast is blocking it? I've just had it auto renew and have been okay with it (though have stopped the auto renew). I'd heard that Windows Defender was fairly good these days. But maybe next year then, since my payment has gone in. I don't like that happening, so was a bit slow there. But okay for another year I guess.

xxsaffyxx - 2021-03-14 16:58:00
xxsaffyxx wrote:

Thank you - that would mean that Avaast is blocking it?

not at all, moreso Windows detects Avast is present and turns itself off.

Windows has a built-in Windows Security function to monitor installed AV software. ALL installed third party AV software (ie avast etc) are required to register with Windows Security and assuming all boxes are ticked, Windows Security goes ahead and disables Windows Defender...

At the other end, if you choose NOT to renew the third party AV software, and/or it becomes non-functional or out of date, windows defender will be automatically turned on to keep the system protected

Edited by king1 at 6:32 pm, Sun 14 Mar

king1 - 2021-03-14 18:31:00
king1 wrote:

not at all, moreso Windows detects Avast is present and turns itself off.

Windows has a built-in Windows Security function to monitor installed AV software. ALL installed third party AV software (ie avast etc) are required to register with Windows Security and assuming all boxes are ticked, Windows Security goes ahead and disables Windows Defender...

At the other end, if you choose NOT to renew the third party AV software, and/or it becomes non-functional or out of date, windows defender will be automatically turned on to keep the system protected

Thanks for that explanation - I've been a long time coming back to check replies, so nice to see the detail. Cheers.

xxsaffyxx - 2021-04-09 14:25:00
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