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When creating a mix of one artist how do I keep them in one place? The tracks are in the same folder.
Thank you

hazelthecat - 2021-03-11 19:20:00

As an example. I have two Charlie Pride CDs. I rip them both, delete the songs I don't like and put the remainder in one folder.
Using WMP I see the two remaining groups of tracks are separate. How do I get WMP to show all the tracks in one place?
Is there a simpler media player? I don't need bells and whistles.

hazelthecat - 2021-03-12 09:46:00

Just went through this process to make sure it works. Someone may chime in with a simpler way.

Windows file explorer > rename the folder you created in the above post to Charlie Pride Mix (or whatever).
Move into the folder.
Right click the first song > properties > details
Remove everything except for the song title and album artist (if there isn't one put in Charlie Pride)
Album / Charlie Pride Mix
# 1
Click OK.
Repeat for the rest except for the song #, that way you can order them however you like.

Bit tedious, really annoying when your trying to sort out a few albums at a time that have details that weren't done properly.

Edited by event_horizon_1 at 10:54 am, Fri 12 Mar

event_horizon_1 - 2021-03-12 10:52:00

Thanks Event-horizon but it didn't work. I couldn't change any details in /properties/details.
I will keep digging.

hazelthecat - 2021-03-12 19:30:00

Did it give a reason why you couldn't? Medias protected? You don't have admin privileges?

event_horizon_1 - 2021-03-12 20:24:00

Ahh. Windows Explorer shows unknown artist, unknown album and track number. Details are un-editable. I am the only user with full privileges.
If I double click on a track WMP shows the cover, name of track and plays the correct song.
The ripped CD is not an original.

hazelthecat - 2021-03-13 10:26:00

Found the problem Event-horizon. The cd is a no name rip. Tried your procedure above on a real rip and it worked.
Thank you

hazelthecat - 2021-03-13 11:02:00

My opinion is that you need to download and use 'mp3tag' to set consistent tags - such as every track having the same Album name "My Mix of Charlie Pride".

Then WMP should show them as one album.

Windows Explorer apparently gives an error when you try to edit the tags in an MP3 that has a ID3v2.4 tag. But, if you were to use mp3tag to remove that specific tag, you could then use Windows Explorer to edit the remaining tags.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 11:10 am, Sat 13 Mar

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-13 11:09:00
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