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Ccleaner website access


Thought it about time I updated my version of Ccleaner but the website server fails everytime.
No ccleaner website & all the other links appear to be dead.
Anybody know whats happened?

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 11:32:00

Managed to get a later version from Cnet but thats a temp solution.

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 11:36:00

Try this. Was working a few minutes ago.

namtak - 2021-03-09 11:39:00
namtak wrote:

Try this. Was working a few minutes ago.

Might be something to do with Avast buying them out.
Noticed this on their website
"Includes Avast Cleanup Premium"

Got v576 from Cnet but not run it yet.

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 11:54:00

Mmmmmmm said it's ok.

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 12:05:00

Lol it's just you Dave. Link @#3 worked for me a second ago.

nice_lady - 2021-03-09 12:16:00

Computer date/ location & time all correct.

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 12:17:00

yep working here fine

king1 - 2021-03-09 12:53:00

Apart from AV & firewalls (which I disabled both at one stage, where could a single complete website be blocked on Win7

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 13:48:00
mrfxit wrote:

Apart from AV & firewalls (which I disabled both at one stage, where could a single complete website be blocked on Win7

browser level maybe, try IE, maybe you have some ad/privacy/cookie blocking extensions doing it

king1 - 2021-03-09 14:00:00
king1 wrote:

browser level maybe, try IE, maybe you have some ad/privacy/cookie blocking extensions doing it

Loaded Edge for the first time, no change

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 14:14:00

on a different computer using the same network?
DNS server issue? i've seen some very localised DNS issues

Edited by king1 at 2:18 pm, Tue 9 Mar

king1 - 2021-03-09 14:15:00

Got it.
All this chatter got me snooping for more clues.
Must have at some stage been testing a downloaded pro version & it edited the hosts file to block

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 14:21:00
mrfxit wrote:

Got it.
All this chatter got me snooping for more clues.
Must have at some stage been testing a downloaded pro version & it edited the hosts file to block

good news...

king1 - 2021-03-09 14:28:00
king1 wrote:

good news...

Sneaky blighter.
Checked all sorts of recent things installed but never remembered about that test install & hadn't updated Ccleaner since then

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 14:33:00

LMAO, twits at
Sent them an email about my access issues & the only reply was about not being able to find my account details, Ie: payed version account.

Nada about possible solutions to the issue, just 'sorry can't find your account details'

Oh & yes, they got a bit of a grumpy (but polite) email back

mrfxit - 2021-03-10 10:48:00

Why would ccleaner block itself in your hosts file?

Sounds very much like a paid version was installed that wasn't in fact paid for.
I.E. the common practice in pirated software to stop the program calling home and so getting itself remotely disabled etc.

Edited by ronaldo8 at 5:35 pm, Wed 10 Mar

ronaldo8 - 2021-03-10 17:35:00
ronaldo8 wrote:

Why would ccleaner block itself in your hosts file?

Sounds very much like a paid version was installed that wasn't in fact paid for.
I.E. the common practice in pirated software to stop the program calling home and so getting itself remotely disabled etc.

I get a lot of software through here in various forms.
Sometimes I have a play with it if it looks better then what I already have or simply interesting

mrfxit - 2021-03-10 20:17:00

Blooming heck, Avast seems to have screwed the pooch this time with Ccleaner and HECK they are dumb.
As I said above, their first reply was saying they couldn't find my reg details, (Reg was never mentioned/ neither was if it was free or paid version)
Next reply was wishing me well & all that for solving the problem.
Oh dear..... they sent a customer response form so I filled it out according to the fact that the op had totally missed the problem as presented & I got a reply back tonight .. .. . .. ... .with links etc to the paid versions & how to reg it.
"Thank you for your kind response.

I do apologize for the confusion giving wrong instruction.

I'm sorry to hear that you're still having problems registering CCleaner.

Could you please try to download and register again by following instructions below."
Interesting blurb from Google search *********
The name Piriform means "shaped like a pear," possibly referring to the British slang to go pear-shaped

mrfxit - 2021-03-15 22:07:00

I wouldn't touch avast , the company has completely lost its morals and their products are basically scareware nowadays.

king1 - 2021-03-16 08:24:00

That l at end goes into next line when I post just make sure if you use to put it in
Find that best link for many downloads.
Got mine from there rather than actual ccleaner site

Edited by missrat at 2:58 pm, Tue 16 Mar

missrat - 2021-03-16 14:54:00
king1 wrote:

I wouldn't touch avast , the company has completely lost its morals and their products are basically scareware nowadays.

The last time I downloaded CCleaner it also installed Avast. I thought I might have missed one of those prefilled in checkboxes but there are a lot of stories on the Net that they were doing it without asking.

That was enough for me.

wembley1 - 2021-03-16 15:43:00
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