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MySpark login sagas


Anyone else going in circles on Spark/MySpark trying to perform the very simple task of adding another email account?

Has the site lost the login name/password database?


thetechman - 2021-03-08 19:01:00

I did this just last week through their online help chat. They directed me to:

"If you want to have separate log in you can register using other email to "

Edited by wembley1 at 7:33 pm, Mon 8 Mar

wembley1 - 2021-03-08 19:32:00

lol, neither would I personally or for any other person put myself through that hellish experience. heard of gmail ?

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-03-08 20:59:00
wembley1 wrote:

I did this just last week through their online help chat. They directed me to:

"If you want to have separate log in you can register using other email to "

Thanks Wembley1 - already been there but all login attempts stall with that
mesmerising little wheel turning turnin turni . . . . z z z z z z

p.s. Yup, have heard of gmail and if you want to be a Google lackey - have an Aart -
- then best of British to you. You know what happened to sharecroppers in the US.

Edited by thetechman at 10:09 pm, Mon 8 Mar

thetechman - 2021-03-08 22:05:00
thetechman wrote:

Thanks Wembley1 - already been there but all login attempts stall with that
mesmerising little wheel turning turnin turni . . . . z z z z z z

What browser you using and have you tried a different one ?

nice_lady - 2021-03-08 22:26:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

lol, neither would I personally or for any other person put myself through that hellish experience. heard of gmail ?

He is not asking for setting up a email account.

He was asking about setting up another login (possibly using a gmail email) to *access* his Spark account (presumably for cell phone account(s)).

wembley1 - 2021-03-09 09:00:00
wembley1 wrote:

He is not asking for setting up a email account.
He was asking about setting up another login (possibly using a gmail email) to *access* his Spark account (presumably for cell phone account(s)).

No, all he wanted to do was ditch an email address and get a new one on the same supplier.*

Thanks to ignorami** who repeatedly to put their whole address book in the [To:] field, he was being spammed to pieces.
So he decided to delete that email address and get a new, similar one on Spark.
And transfer his 5 email aliases to the new, similar main email address.
"Should be a 5 minute job" he thought.***

Silly boy.
After 3 separate attempts on 3 days, involving IVY, the badly set up Spark chatbot (don't go near the enter key while half way through typing a message folks) and around 2 hours of chargeable worktime gone south, he achieved his goal.
Crack out the flat lager . . . .

BTW: Don't vent on the workers on the frontline; throughout the land they do their best, given often crap training and subsistence wages.
Behind them, in some organisations are 2 or 3 layers of hopeless but well paid 'managers' that implement debacles like the above.
No wonder we have such dismal productivity figures.

So why not change to, say Vodafone? Aw really? Would it be any different?
Or semaphore flags - they're still available and quite fun.
* Definitely not gMail.
** Ignorami are similar to origami, except they should never be allowed access to any device.
*** Oh wait, - also advise every existing contact of the change of email address.
"Should be a 5 day job" he thought.

Edited by thetechman at 1:44 pm, Thu 11 Mar

thetechman - 2021-03-11 13:41:00
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