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Mouse getting slow to respond


Well thats not happened before.

Been thinking that theres something wrong with my computer as it's been getting real lagging on the mouse when scrolling pages.

Turns out the outer ring on the mouse wheel has detached from it's center & mostly just spinning on the axle.

Edited by mrfxit at 9:09 pm, Sun 7 Mar

mrfxit - 2021-03-07 21:08:00

Haha. I'd guess you'll have a spare or ten lying around.

nice_lady - 2021-03-07 21:21:00

They do also need their batteries changed ocassionally.

cleo444 - 2021-03-07 21:33:00
cleo444 wrote:

They do also need their batteries changed ocassionally.

Corded mouse.
A bit surprised because this brand new HP mouse is only about 6mths old.

mrfxit - 2021-03-07 22:42:00
nice_lady wrote:

Haha. I'd guess you'll have a spare or ten lying around.

LOL, ummm yep, theres a few still in sealed bags

mrfxit - 2021-03-07 22:43:00

only reason y mouse gets slow is when i run out of ram wit 100 tousend tabs open. i monitor it with htop and kill browser with ctrl aqlt esc. but danger it kills everything you happen to click on i once killed X lol then you cant see what you do untill you restart x= the graphical interface of linux.
only other reason is opstical in path of cheap mouse did interrupt the mouse maybe week battery also.
next pc i want 10 terrabite ram lol

Edited by intrade at 12:06 pm, Tue 9 Mar

intrade - 2021-03-09 12:03:00
intrade wrote:

only reason y mouse gets slow is when i run out of ram wit 100 tousend tabs open. i monitor it with htop and kill browser with ctrl aqlt esc. but danger it kills everything you happen to click on i once killed X lol then you cant see what you do untill you restart x= the graphical interface of linux.
only other reason is opstical in path of cheap mouse did interrupt the mouse maybe week battery also.
next pc i want 10 terrabite ram lol

As per normal, you missed the answer.
The scroll wheel outer ring has detached from the inner hard plastic wheel, hence not connecting properly appearing to be slow responding on the wheel.

mrfxit - 2021-03-09 12:40:00

The internet sucks these days with the out of control RAM usage. The websites look no different really, but they have a million APIs running in the background for no discernible reason.

tygertung - 2021-03-10 08:19:00

It's a secret policy driven by hardware makers to increase sales.

nice_lady - 2021-03-10 09:41:00
nice_lady wrote:

It's a secret policy driven by hardware makers to increase sales.

Perhaps, or just sloppy programming, whilst making the websites slightly prettier.

tygertung - 2021-03-10 15:44:00

That mouse is fine again
Opened it up (one screw) rolled the ring off & a bit of glue on the roller & put it back together.
It's a nice mouse again with nothing wrong with it.

mrfxit - 2021-03-15 22:11:00
cleo444 wrote:

They do also need their batteries changed ocassionally.

Yes I change mine now & then too.

ferrit47 - 2021-03-20 12:01:00

On your mouse?

nice_lady - 2021-03-20 14:58:00
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