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Fibre Install Query


Is it possible to have two ONT's and two Routers on the one line? On the one property this is, there is two buildings right next to each other, building A already has the install and ONT and Router, building B which is right next to building A, has no install. Before you ask, wifi extenders will not work at all, have tried several.

kingfisher21 - 2021-03-05 21:00:00

Ethernet cable from the first building to the second?

That will work.

And if the buildings are right next to each other wifi extenders should possibly work but that's very dependant on the extender and how it's setup.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:15 pm, Fri 5 Mar

nice_lady - 2021-03-05 21:12:00

Chorus only do one free install per property, i.e., you have to pay.

With two buildings you could trench your own copper/fibre going back to the single ONT anyway. A single ONT can provide four different services.

You can not have more than one ONT per fibre. Two fibres are typically run to all properties though.

Edited by spyware at 9:20 pm, Fri 5 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-05 21:15:00

An extender would be the most amateur solution possible, hence why it doesn't work.

spyware - 2021-03-05 21:19:00

Yea, ethernet cable is another option which is probably what we will end up going with, might get a bit messy though, would need jacks in every room, need to run multiple computers printers etc. Extenders dont want to work I think because the building with the install is all steel walled and stainless everywhere.

kingfisher21 - 2021-03-05 21:20:00

Phone a data cabler, Chorus don't do internal cabling.

spyware - 2021-03-05 21:22:00

Run an Ethernet cable to the second building and attach a wireless access point to it?

utwo - 2021-03-05 21:26:00

Your description of the buildings isn't clear if it's residential or commercial. If they are on separate titles you could expect Chorus to do a free install at each, and expect separate monthly bills.They wouldn't be on the same LAN.

New builds would typically have a conduit between the buildings and cabling in the walls, and your description suggests the ONT would have been better placed in the other building. If you're adding cabling now I'd suggest a conduit, 4 ethernet cables and a draw wire to pull through fibre; copper; RG6;HDMI or bell wire any time in the future.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 10:01 pm, Fri 5 Mar

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-05 22:00:00

Cheers for all the help people, yes it is a commercial property, the original building with the install has been there and connected for quite a few years, we have recently put in another new building which is going to be used as an office.

kingfisher21 - 2021-03-05 22:09:00
utwo wrote:

Run an Ethernet cable to the second building and attach a wireless access point to it?


nice_lady - 2021-03-06 05:26:00
spyware wrote:

An extender would be the most amateur solution possible, hence why it doesn't work.

Illogical statement.

nice_lady - 2021-03-06 05:27:00
kingfisher21 wrote:

Cheers for all the help people, yes it is a commercial property, the original building with the install has been there and connected for quite a few years, we have recently put in another new building which is going to be used as an office.

Seriously, and you didn't data cable building as it was built or connect in any way to existing telecom infrastructure. Makes no sense.

Is office building a portacom??

Edited by spyware at 7:58 am, Sat 6 Mar

spyware - 2021-03-06 07:49:00
spyware wrote:

Seriously, and you didn't data cable building as it was built or connect in any way to existing telecom infrastructure. Makes no sense.


OP, did you remember to run any power cables when you built the building? Or did ya forget them as well Lol

Edited by loose.unit8 at 8:19 am, Sat 6 Mar

loose.unit8 - 2021-03-06 08:18:00
spyware wrote:

Seriously, and you didn't data cable building as it was built or connect in any way to existing telecom infrastructure. Makes no sense.

Is office building a portacom??

Wasn't up to me, the idiot in charge of it all needs a bullet as yes, if it was up to me it all would of been done.

kingfisher21 - 2021-03-06 14:19:00

There's a range of point to point Wi-Fi solutions and Digital Microwave Radio solutions that transfer high bandwidths where there is line of sight. That'll save you from having to dig a trench and lay cabling.

Edited by joys_teddy at 6:39 pm, Sun 7 Mar

joys_teddy - 2021-03-07 18:37:00
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